➵ 12 - HUNTER

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Morning's have never been my thing and will continue to never be my thing.

Unfortunately I had to wake up though. My son woke me up at 5:30 and I haven't been able to sleep since then. I have to work in an hour and a half. Plus I had to make my lunch.Hazel hasn't shown up which is great. I can hopefully have peace for one day.Bendis texted me that she will show up at 6:30 giving me an hour to show up to work then give me thirty minutes to spare.

My son thankfully fell back asleep giving me enough time to jump in the shower.

I quickly shower and get ready for work. I put on a blue casual buttoned down shirt, a black loose casual dressing pants and a matching black tie to go with everything. I put on my belt and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I decide to make chicken and rice, making sure to make my son his grain oatmeal with yogurt. His favorite.

After I'm done making my lunch and his breakfast, I serve myself some cereal with almond milk. As I'm about to eat my first spoon full of cereal. I hear my son's cries from the baby monitor.

I walk back up the stairs and pick him up. He opens his eyes and gives me the biggest cutest smile on the planet.

He is so precious.

"Hey buddy, I hope you slept well today. I made you some yummy oatmeal for breakfast" He begins crying again.

I place him on the bed and change his diaper and his clothing.

After I'm done, I walk back downstairs and place him on his baby chair. Once he sees his baby bowl of food he instantly smiles again while clapping his hands.

I slowly begin feeding him while eating my cereal.

As I'm about to take another spoonful of cereal, someone knocks on my door. "That's probably aunty, buddy. She's going to take care of you today." I say as I walk to the door and open it.

"Hunter, you are filing for a fucking divorce !?" Hazel stands on the concrete steps of my house. Her eyes were red, her hair a terrible mess. She looked awful.

"Leave, or I'll call the cops." I try my best not to yell. I don't need people passing by to hear my business.

"No. You want to file for a divorce and take full custody of my son. You fucking-" She tries to punch me in my face but I grab her hand in time.

"Hazel, I'm giving you one last chance." My sister Bendis pulls into my driveway and quickly gets out of the car. "Leave."

I refuse to lay a hand on her. I may be an ass hole and may have so much shit to say to her. But I am no abusive man.

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