➵ 23 - VIOLET

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After yesterday's incident at the park with Mr. Reid and Mr. Anderson I have been having so many mixed emotions.

Mainly guilt.

But I just needed a girls day with Stephanie and Lizzie. I just needed to clear my mind and just have a few drinks.

"Yesterday was crazy. It's insane how much money we raised." Stephanie downs a shot of god knows what.

God, I don't talk about the damn bake sale.

It reminds me of them and their hands all over me.

It scares me that I'm a whole different person when I'm with them. Mentally and physically.

"Honestly, we raised much more than I thought we would." Lizzie drinks her wine cooler.

They literally gave the school $20 each just to take me to the park and tease me. Imagine...

As I walk over to the refrigerator to grab a wine cooler Stephanie and Lizzie begin talking about their boyfriend's sex game.

"Lucas is so good. I'm telling you, his mouth does magic!" Lizzie fans herself and falls back on the couch.

"Kyle is the same. Like I don't know what he does but his tongue always does something to me and I come undone so quickly." Stephanie takes another shit then scrunches her face and takes a bite of her lemmon

"The rumors are true. The football team really does do magical things." Lizzie laughs and I open my wine cooler.

The can makes a big pop and the girls turn to me. Great. "I bet Kyle and Lucas aren't better than Justin tho. He looks like he has skills. Right Violet?"

No, he looks like if he's fucking boring and so self centered during sex.

"Uhhh yeah I guess." I take another sip of my drink.

"Oh come on, he can't be that bad. Girls have said so many good things about his performances. I secretly felt jealous when he asked you out." Stephanie serves herself another shot.

First of all, If she wanted him so badly she should've done something about it. Better yet, she still could. I felt nothing for him.

I'm over here going crazy about his step-dad. Not him.

Second of all, If she doesn't slow down on her drinking. She's going to fucking pass out.

"I guess he's just holding back a lot since he knows that I'm not as experienced as him." I say and the girls nod.

"You're right. What a gentleman Justin is." Lizzie says as she finishes her wine cooler. "Guys, these things are so damn good." She walks over to the fridge.

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