Chapter 2

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Taehyung walked Sun-Hee to the end of the bank of mailboxes and headed around a corner where there was a desk with a sign that said "Concierge Services" above it. He held out his hand as if to say 'Here it is!'

Sun-Hee raised one eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. "That deserves a pastry? You could have said 'You get your packages around that corner'."

He chuckled, "I've seen you try to find things on your own, it isn't pretty." He helped her find all the pink slips in her mail and give them to the worker in the black suit behind the counter.

While they were waiting to have the packages fetched, Sun-Hee started sorting the mail on the counter. Taehyung leaned his elbow on the counter and held his head up with his fist. Looking at Sun-Hee's face he asked "How is it even possible to move in to an apartment today and have all this mail?!?"

Sun-Hee smiled and continued sorting, "I guess that would seem strange. It is my father's apartment for when he came to Korea for work. Honestly, most of this mail is his. He recently retired and was going to sell the apartment but when I decided to study abroad and come here for my senior year of college, he kept the apartment so I could use it."

Taehyng listened to her talk and studied her while she was paying attention to her mail and not looking at him. She was lovely. She was one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. She honestly could be an idol. She had dark hair with brown highlights, just like him. Her sooty thick eyelashes were mesmerizing around her expressive chocolate brown eyes. Her bottom lip was slightly larger than her top lip, which was alluring to him. She reminded him of a slightly Asian Lily Collins. 

At that moment she glanced over at him. When she saw how intently he was looking at her, she quickly  looked at him more pointedly "What!? Please don't tell me I have something on my face! I would be mortified!"

Deep chuckle again, "No, you don't have anything on your face. Your face is ... perfect."

At that moment the concierge worker came back with a cart and started putting packages on the counter. Then he pulled out a mail tote, "Here is the rest of the mail that we couldn't fit in the mailbox." 

"The rest of the mail..." Sun-Hee looked down at the mail she had started sorting. With a defeated look she picked it all up and tossed it in the tote with the rest, messing up any sorting she had done.

Taehyung caught Sun-Hee's overwhelmed look and jumped in, "Thank you so much for your help, and for holding her mail for so long." Then picking up the large pile of packages and looking at her with a raised eyebrow, "Let's get these to your room, hmmm?"

She led the way up two flights of stairs and down the hall. "I'm sure you had more important things to do than spend all this time helping me get my mail. Sorry to be such a bother." Then she smiled at him (which honestly was all the reward he wanted) and said, "I'm so grateful though, I really couldn't have done it without you."

He smiled back, "Do you even know where we are going? I feel like we've passed this bench before."

"I know the way to my apartment, thank you very much. Less snark, more walking from you! I'm actually very good with directions." She felt like Taehyung didn't believe her the way he raised his eyebrow at her again.

After a few more loops and a bit of circling back, they made their way to B302. Sun-Hee opened the door with her key and Taehyung walked through and set the packages on the kitchen counter, then dropped his messenger bag on the floor. He hopped up to sit on the counter beside the packages. "I'm sure you owe me a whole dinner by now. We must have walked a couple kilometers to get to an apartment that was 100 meters away." 

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