Chapter 20

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When she finally made it back to them, they were being filmed. They were each talking about how much they loved ARMY and how fun the performance had been. Jimin told the camera that he had been worried because his heart was the biggest and he didn't want to mess up with it. So he was glad it all went smoothly. There were probably twenty people standing around, some filming, others helping, most just watching.

Sun-Hee stood with Dal off to the back until they were done filming. They looked like celebrities with their hair and make-up. Sun-Hee sighed, they really were the most beautiful men she had ever seen. They were so personable as they talked, they were clearly used to being filmed. Their personalities shined as they each answered different questions. Once the filming ended they all stood up and walked into an adjoining room. Dal led her over to the room. Inside was a lot less people, the seven guys and a few older men in black t-shirts and suits, she presumed they were managers. The room was scattered with couches and chairs with a large coffee table in the middle and there was a table of food off to the side.

Dal stood next to the door and Sun-Hee took a step inside. When the boys saw her their eyes grew in size. Jimin looked her up and down, "Daym Gurl!" he said in English, then in Korean, "What are you wearing? I've never seen you dress like this!" He continued to appreciate her look holding her arms out and spinning her around. 

Sun-Hee laughed, "I guess I'm way over dressed. We dress up for concerts in the US. But I saw most people wearing t-shirts and hoodies here. It probably won't be my last cultural faux pas." 

Jungkook sat in an armchair in the corner of the room and just watched the rest of the group. She couldn't read his eyes but they were definitely full of emotion.

The rest of the boys greeted Sun-Hee with smiles and hugs. They told her how good she looked. They seemed genuinely happy to see her. After just seeing a thousand fans chant their names and meeting fans who knew everything about them, she was amazed by their warm greetings. Why were they so nice to her? They could have any adoring fans they wanted. She hadn't even known who they were. She shelved that thought away to work on later. She gave them all hugs and told them how great they did. She told each one something special she liked about their performance so they knew she had watched and paid attention. All but Jungkook that is, he was still over in his chair.

There was a buffet of food waiting for them, so they all went over to dish their plates. Sun-Hee went over to stand in front of Jungkook. He had taken off the orange sweatshirt so he wore a white t-shirt and his orange sweat pants. His hands seemed to be gripping the arms of the chair for dear life. She wasn't sure what was wrong. She fought her urge to sit in his lap and she kneeled down on the floor in front of him, glad she had worn the bicycle shorts under her skirt. "I really liked watching you perform. You are really talented. Your fans clearly adore you. I sat next to a girl who said you were her bias and she told me a thousand things you can do well." Sun-Hee didn't mention that she almost slapped the girl.

Jungkook closed his eyes briefly, when he opened them he said, "I'm glad you liked the performance. I need to eat and get ready for the next one." It took all the self-control he had to stand up and walk to the buffet and not grab her and pull her into his lap. She looked amazing, he hadn't been able to take his eyes off of her since she walked in the room. She looked edgy with her black boots and choker, but also cute with her skirt and sweater. Her make-up made her look like a celebrity. And he was so in love with her hair in curls. He was tempted to run his fingers through them. He loved her look and wanted her to walk on a red carpet looking just like this on his arm so the world knew she was his.

As Jungkook walked away, Sun-Hee thought: Ok, well, I guess we aren't friends yet. She stood up and sat in the chair he just vacated. Yoongi brought her over a plate of food with all her favorites. He had obviously paid attention to what she liked to eat. Sun-Hee said, "Thanks Suga." She gave him a bright smile.

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