Chapter 44

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The group members were still flying high from their concert adrenalin when they got to the hotel. They poured out of the elevator, talking, singing, being a picture of excited chaos. They grabbed food from the freshly delivered catering cart in the hall and made their way to Jin's room to eat. Except for Sun-Hee and Jungkook who went straight to their room to address unfinished business.

They entered through Sun-Hee's door and she gave a little squeal when she was pushed up against the door and the passionate kissing resumed. Jungkook was as adamant as he had been in the workroom. Now their hotel door had replaced the storage cabinet.

After a few extremely passionate kisses, Jungkook slowed down enough to say, "Do you have any idea how much fun it was to perform with you in the audience? I don't think I've ever felt a rush like that. I've always enjoyed concerts, but having you in the audience gave me such a thrill. It was like our first concerts in 2013 when we were so excited that anyone showed up to watch us."

Sun-Hee brought her hands down from his neck and cupped his cheeks. "I've been to many concerts in my day but your concert was by far the best one. And I'm not just saying that because I know and love you. You guys had so much energy, you sang and danced with such passion. It was just a fantastic show. And I will come to every one of your concerts that I can." Looking him right in the passion filled eyes. "I love you so much."

"I love you more." Jungkook started again with the passionate kisses. Then he stopped briefly to move down to her stomach. "Sorry, but I've been thinking of this all night."

Kneeling on the floor he gave her kisses all along her waistband then moved up to her belly button. Sun-Hee put her hands on his shoulders and arched her back. It wasn't just that he was kissing her stomach it was the mixture of the passionate bites and licks with the warm-joy bonding. She felt absolute pleasure radiating from his every kiss throughout her body.

They were so absorbed in each other that neither of them heard the key card and door open in Jungkook's room. It wasn't until Jimin came through the adjoining door and said, "Well, what's going on over here? A little celebrating after the concert?" that they knew someone was there.

Jungkook stood up and turned to glare at Jimin, "Don't you knock?!" And then to Jimin's smirking response, "WHAT could you possibly want right now?"

Jimin just smiled at Jungkook's crabby response, "I was sent to fetch you two. Everyone wants to talk to Sun-Hee about the concert."

Jungkook sighed and closed his eyes for a moment to try to rein himself in from his passion. Sun-Hee was the one who answered. "Ok, thanks Jimin. We'll be right down." And when Jimin still stood there, "Go tell the others we will be down in a minute okay?"

Jungkook begrudgingly took her sweater that was tied around her waist and pulled it over her head. He gave her a kiss, "Once again, let's put this on hold until we get back."

When Jungkook and Sun-Hee entered Jin's room the boys cheered. 

"There she is!"

"Its about time!"


"We've been waiting for you!"

Jungkook sat in a chair and Sun-Hee sat on the floor between his legs. While they ate and talked, Jungkook would reach out and touch her neck or cheek, pet her hair, or rub her shoulders a bit to let her know he was still thinking about touching her. They all wanted to hear about what she thought of the concert. And in full Sun-Hee style she gushed about every aspect. She included a few reprimands as well, to those who came over and tried to make the girls in her section faint. She also thought it wasn't fair that poor Yoongi got doused with water even though he hadn't participated in the water fight.

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