Chapter 12

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When Jimin and Sun-Hee entered the apartment there was no one in sight. They put their sunglasses, hat, and purse on a table inside the door. Then went and flopped on the couch.

Jimin turned on the big screen TV and navigated to Mario Kart. "Time for our rematch baby girl! No holding back this time, I have a Koopa shell with your name on it!" 

Jimin and Sun-Hee played several rounds. They made a rule that after each game, the winner had to choose a different character. They had both switched characters several times but Jimin was on a winning streak now. He had resorted to some devious tactics. Every time he got knocked off the track or got spun by a banana peel he would distract Sun-Hee by tickling her or holding her arms down. "You are such a cheater boy! Get your hands off me and play fair or I'll call you 'Cheaty Jimin' or 'Chimin' from now on! It isn't fun to win if you don't win fair and square!" Her accusations didn't stop him at all.

Taehyung came into the living room and Sun-Hee called out for help. "Tae Tae, come avenge my honor! This boy is beating the crap out of me in Mario Kart! And Chimin is cheating!"

Tae laughed. He was good at video games, certainly much better than Jimin. The only one in the house that could usually beat Tae was Jungkook. Tae took the controller from Sun-Hee and pulled her to sit between his legs. The deepness of the couch allowed them to sit comfortably this way. Taehyung was much taller than Sun-Hee so he comfortably rested his chin down on her shoulder, and put his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. "I missed you today."

Sun-Hee settled back against Tae enjoying how comfortable it was to snuggle him. These men were certainly physically affectionate. She had seen them hug and hang on each other also, so she didn't read much into it. She decided to just enjoy it for what it was. There were worse things in life that being hugged constantly by gorgeous men.

Taehyung soundly beat Jimin several times. Jimin complained that he wanted to play against Sun-Hee again. But just then, Namjoon walked into the room. He smiled at the group on the couch then asked Sun-Hee if she wanted to go out and talk on the balcony. 

Upon hearing that Tae grabbed her tighter and pouted. "No Joonie! I just got her! Don't take her away yet!"

Jimin smacked Tae on the arm and said, "Don't be greedy, let her go talk with him!" There was a meaningful look behind Jimin's eyes that Sun-Hee couldn't understand. And to her surprise, Tae said, "Oh, yeah. Okay." and he let her go.

Namjoon smiled at Sun-Hee as he held open the glass door to the balcony. His dimples were on full display and Sun-Hee sighed despite herself. The two on the couch were like affectionate puppies, but Namjoon had some alpha male qualities going on. When he had his eyes on her she felt a little squirmy. It was a bit like being watched by a hawk when you were a mouse.

"This view is amazing! I could look at nothing else for the rest of my life and I'd still be happy!" Sun-Hee gushed. Namjoon chuckled at her exaggeration. But he agreed that the view was stunning, both Seoul and the beautiful girl next to him.

They stood quietly looking at the view for a moment, then Namjoon turned to Sun-Hee and spoke in English, "I'm sorry we were so awful to you last night. We all really regret how rude we were. We had a good conversation late into the night about how we wanted to treat people, and we are going to try to do better in the future. We want guests to feel welcome in our home and it isn't fair to assume something about a person without letting them show you who they really are. So, thank you for challenging our prejudices and stereotypes. And please know that we intend to be better people in the future." He gave a little smile at the end that made him look young even though his words showed he was mature and wise.

Sun-Hee was taken aback by the thoughtfulness of Namjoon's words. "Thank you for saying that. I am just fine, no need for you all to feel guilty. Tae, Hobi, and Jimin have been very caring friends to me today."

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