Chapter 3

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Kim Seokjin was sitting at his desk in the room he shared with Yoongi. He paused his computer game to look at his incoming text.

Tae: Hey Jinnnnieeeeee. I'm bringing someone over for dinner tonight.

Jin: Ok, Yoongi and I are planning to cook. Who's coming over?

Tae: You haven't met them yet.

Jin screams, "Yah! Not good! NOT GOOD!" 

Jin: Why do you say "them"? Is it more than one person or are you trying to hide the gender of our guest?

Tae: Just one person. We will be there at 7pm.

"Taehyung! What are you doing to us man?!? Arghhh!"

Jin: You are still not revealing the gender of our guest so I can only assume that you are bringing another pretty girl who is challenged in the personality department.

Tae: This one is nice.

Yoongi came into the room to check on Jin. "Is there a problem?" He calmly asked the question even though he could see Jin was freaking out.

Jin's eyes were wide and his face was starting to turn red. "Yes, there is a problem! Tae's bringing another one of those bratty girls to dinner! I cannot do it again! We have been tortured, what 4, 5, 6 times with this? How can he not learn from his mistakes?!"

Upon hearing this Yoongi's eyes widened, "Oh, dear God no. I can't cook for another one of those stuck-up bitches!"

"Language!" Jin warns. 

But Yoongi just smiled,"You know full well the word I just used is the best description of the girls Tae has brought over."

Jin's shoulders slump. "True. I'm going to tell him she can't come over."

Jin: Yah!! You always think they are nice at first and they ruin our night! Cancel! I don't want to spend another evening with a prissy selfish gold-digging girl! The answer is no!

Tae: She is our neighbor, she just moved in today. I'm just being neighborly.

Jin looked up at Yoongi, "This is way worse than I thought, she is our neighbor!"

Yoongi collapsed onto his bed. "Oh no! The bitchiest women in all of Seoul live in our building. I seriously have yet to meet any neighbor here that is at all pleasant."

Jin: The answer is no. Emphatically N.O. Do not bring this girl to our house! I am not joking!

Tae: Our connection seems to be cutting out. See you at 7.

Jin: So help me Tae, if you bring her over, you will have the worst punishment ever. Worse than anything we've had on Run BTS.

Tae: Please don't make me hike a mountain!

Jin: Take her out to dinner and to a hotel. Do not. I repeat DO NOT bring her here! Got it?

Yoongi sighed from the bed. "He's still going to bring her isn't he? That kid needs to grow up. Or get better taste in women, whichever."

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