Chapter 59

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She turned around, looked Tobi right in the eye and said, "Hello Tobi." The lawyer was gone, it was just her and Tobi now.

Tobi was a handsome man. Sun-Hee knew why the girls fell for him. He had light blue eyes and dark hair and eyelashes. He looked a bit like Zac Efron. But Sun-Hee had learned that good looks were not a trait to build a relationship on and Tobi was the perfect example. He stood there smiling at her like he hadn't abused her, like he wasn't here to ruin her life.

"How'd you get into Korea without anyone knowing?" Sun-Hee challenged.

Tobi smiled bigger, "Feisty now, huh? I like it. You've gained some confidence here in Korea. How'd I get here undetected? I have some new friends. One has a private jet."

Sun-Hee raised her eyebrow at him, "Private jets still require manifests, and going through security."

Tobi started to move towards her, "Well, let's just say they don't check very closely." He smirked at her, "You look good Sunny. You always were a pretty girl but you look more secure, more confident now. Even in your prison get-up." He continued to move towards her.

Sun-Hee held up her hand, "Stop there Tobi. What do you want? Why are you here?"

Tobi kept moving slowly toward her. "I think you know what I want, what I've always wanted."

Sun-Hee scrunched her face into a frown. "You still want me to sleep with you?! What is wrong with you?! No one flies halfway around the world to get laid! You can get almost any girl you want, why me? Why all this?"

Tobi stopped a couple feet away from Sun-Hee. "You are ruining my perfect record Sunbun. Like you said, I can get almost any girl I want. If it weren't for you, then I could get any girl I want. I don't like the fact that you think you are special. That you think you can date me but you don't have to give me anything in return. You think you are better than me and you're wrong. You need to be shown who is in charge, who makes the rules."

Sun-Hee was shaking her head, "You are sick. You are seriously deranged. You are a spoiled rotten, rich kid who has always gotten everything he wants. And now you're throwing a fit because one person said 'no' to you."

Tobi's eyes got hard, "I wouldn't make me mad if I were you. I'm holding all the cards right now."

Sun-Hee was getting mad now. "Make YOU mad? How about the fact that I've turned my life around trying to get away from you and now you have me put in jail on bogus charges?!? If anyone should be mad, it's me!"

Tobi blinked a couple times, "Wow, you are seriously feisty tonight. What have they done to you here in Korea? Well, once we get home, I'm sure you will see reason and stop with all this nonsense. We can have a fresh start, you and I. We can start planning the wedding."

Sun-Hee narrowed her eyes at him, "You have lost all sense of reality, haven't you? You are living in a complete dream world. There is no way I'm marrying you. And my lawyer has filed paperwork, you are not going to get me extradicted."

Tobi started laughing at this, "I love that you think you have some control here. Obviously you've forgotten who I am. Sweetie, we will be in the US by tomorrow at this time, mark my words. I think I'm done talking, it's time to go." He turned behind him and yelled. "I said let's go!"

Two men dressed in black wearing face masks came in to the room. They walked right over to Sun-Hee. One grabbed her wrists while the other put a zip tie around them. She was so startled she barely had time to react. She had learned in her defense class how to hold her wrists in a way to make the zip-tie looser. But she had only half been able to execute it because she wasn't prepared. She was just glad the zip tie wasn't tight enough to cut off her circulation.

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