Chapter 22

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Sun-Hee decided to have a self-care day. She started with a bubble bath. She covered the bruise on her arm with bubbles so she couldn't see how ugly it was. She then made herself a smoothy and some steel cut oats with walnuts and brown sugar. After eating she got dressed in jeans and a light blue hoody and took a cab to a park that had a few hiking trails. She was standing at the top of a lovely hill with Seoul in the background when her phone buzzed.

Joonie: Why didn't you tell us that you got injured at our concert?

SH: Hello Joonie, good to hear from you. Thanks for your concern. A guy from the audience grabbed my arm. I have a bruise, I'm fine.

Yoongi: Send a picture.

Sun-Hee took a selfie and sent the picture of her in the trees with Seoul behind her.

Yoongi: I meant of your arm. Where are you?

SH: Namsan Botanical Gardens

Yoongi: Picture?

She send another selfie pointed the other way.

Yoongi: You don't seem to understand that we are really upset that you got hurt. Dal told us what happened and we can't believe that #1 you got hurt by someone at our concert and #2 that no one told us about it until today. Is this why you are avoiding us?

SH: Listen, you don't need to be upset, I'm totally fine. Dal took care of everything. My arm is fine. You all have much more important things than worrying about this. It is minor, I promise.

Hobi: Sun-Hee, we have plans for tomorrow, so clear your schedule. We want to spend the whole day with you.

Oh, great, how do I get out of this one, Sun-Hee thought. Maybe she could just buy some time.

SH: Ok, that should be good. I'm supposed to go to Seoul University and do a tour, but I don't think that is tomorrow. I'll let you know.

Hobi: That is not tomorrow.

SH: Really? How do you know?

Hobi: Because you are clearing your schedule tomorrow and spending the day with us.

SH: Oh, yeah, right. 

Sun-Hee walked the trails and enjoyed the foliage and the view. This is the exact thing she needed today. Her phone rang this time, someone was calling.

"Hey dad! You'll never believe where I am! I'm up on a hill overlooking the beautiful view of Seoul from the botanical gardens."

"I'm so glad sweety! I want to hear all about it, but before I forget, the Lees are sending their son to pick you up for dinner at their house. He will be to your apartment around 7pm. You need to tell the guard house that you are expecting him so they can let him in. His name is Lee Ji-Hoon."

"Ok, dad, text me his name so I don't forget."

Sun-Hee told her dad all about the tourist day she took the day before. It was really nice to talk with him. He caught her up on what was happening at home.

Sun-Hee hopped in a cab and headed home. She had a snack, then started getting ready for the dinner. She styled her hair with wavy curls at the ends but left the top naturally straight. It gave her a California beach wave vibe. She wore a long sleeve emerald silk blouse with a v-shaped neckline and a black pencil skirt that came to just above her knees. She put on a gold necklace with a pearl-drop pennant.  And she put on high heels which she hadn't worn in a long time, so she practiced walking around her apartment in them, to get comfortable.

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