Chapter 6

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Taehung arrived back to the kitchen just as Jin was ruffling Sun-Hee's hair. "Everything going alright in here? You guys getting along?" Then turning to Sun-Hee, "Have they been treating you right?"

She smiled at Tae. "Interesting you should ask about that." Jin and Yoongi started being really busy with their cooking. "Tae, you know how when you meet someone and you don't really know their abilities. Like if you met someone you could ask them to catch you a bunny or a squirrel."

Tae frowned. "People don't ask that."

She continued as if he hadn't spoken. "But if you met someone and you instantly knew they were amazing and you even suspected they might have super-powers, you might ask them to do something great like catch a lion or a bear."

Tae continued to frown, but turned to his hyungs. "What did you guys do to her? She is talking nonsense." Jin shook his head like he had no idea, but both cooks were smiling.

She put a hand on Jin and Yoongi's shoulders. "These amazing men took one look at me and knew I was destined for greatness. And once the lion was wrestled to the ground, they fed me bites of the most delicious food I will ever have in my life!" She beamed and walked to the other side of the island. 

Tae boxy smile appeared, but he still looked confused. "So you are getting along? Right?" The cooks just nodded and continued cooking.

Then Sun-Hee glanced at Jin and pointed to the chopped onions and added, "But if this lion here doesn't make it into a dish soon there is going to be HELL! TO! PAY!!" Then she went to stand by Tae.

Jin laughed and quickly picked up the cutting board with the chopped onion and started adding it to the dishes. But at the same time he yelled, "Language!"

At that, another man entered the kitchen with a beautiful beaming smile. "Who's getting Jin all riled up in here?" He had the most cheerful upbeat voice she had heard. Finally someone friendly like Tae! This man was so stylishly dressed, she recognized several designer items he was wearing. Sun-Hee smiled at him. But as soon as the newest handsome man spotted her, his smile faded and he pursed his lips, "Oh, Taehyung has a guest." He looked at Tae and raised his eyebrow at him.

Jin turned to Tae, "Introduce your guest to Hoseok, Tae."

Hoseok threw Jin a sarcastic 'thanks so much' look.

"Sun-Hee Anderson, this is Jung Hoseok Hyung."

She bowed to Hoseok, "It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for having me to your home."

Hoseok did a little bow and murmured "Mm-hm." 

Jin smiled at Hoseok and asked him to take Sun-Hee out on the balcony while he talked with Tae. Hoseok had the instant feeling of 'Why me?.' But he always wanted to help and Jin and Yoongi were cooking. Hopefully they were about to lecture Tae about subjecting the house to all these horrible women. So he motioned with his hand to Sun-Hee to head into the living room.

On their way across the living room to the glass doors, Sun-Hee brought her hands up in front of her chest and did a little clapping thing. Along with her bright smile, it totally reminded him of Jungkook. Lucky Jungkook was not here tonight and didn't have to be subjected to the torture this girl was going to give them. He really envied the maknae right now.

He opened the door for the girl but was completely startled by her reaction. She stepped outside and threw her arms out wide and closed her eyes and spun a few circles. When she stopped spinning she kept her arms out wide and said "That is the most beautiful view I've ever seen! It has to make you happy to be able to see this view every day!" She turned her sparkling eyes to Hoseok for confirmation.

Hoseok couldn't help himself, he smiled. "It is a beautiful view. I especially love seeing the change of seasons. It is breathtaking when covered with snow. And in a few weeks the leaves will start to change color and it will look like a rainbow."

Sun-Hee had put her arms down on the railing and was just taking in the gorgeous view. Hoseok looked at her face. This one is different. He thought. She turned and caught him staring. She raised her eyebrows as if to say 'What?'

Hoseok smiled again, "You're different."

"Different? You don't even know me, how could I be different?"

"You are different than the other girls Tae has brought to dinner." Hoseok smiled a little, seemingly pleased by that statement.

"And is that ... a good thing?"

Hoseok laughed at that. "Yes, it is a very good thing."

Hoseok and Sun-Hee chatted about the view, the weather, the city of Seoul. Hoseok was such an easy person to talk with. It was the most comfortable and relaxed she had been since arriving.

Sun-Hee realized she was starting to get tired. It had been a long day and even though she had caught a quick nap earlier in the day, it wasn't enough. She thought back to Tae's confusion at the squirrel/lion analogy she had given and realized she was starting to get punchy. "I have so much unpacking to do." She sighed. "And there is very little furniture in the apartment, so I think I'll have to decorate a bit also. Do you know any good stores around to buy furniture and decor?"

Hoseok gave her his biggest smile yet. He winked at her and said, "I got you. Tomorrow I'll come look at your apartment, well make a plan. I know where to get all the best things. This is going to be so fun!" Hoseok did a little pop and lock dance to celebrate.

Sun-Hee's eyes got big. "Wow, that was amazing! Show me!" 

Hoseok showed her a couple moves and was surprised she picked them up rather quickly. "You're a good dancer!" 

Sun-Hee blushed at the complement and shook her head. "I'm not a great dancer. But I did do dance classes when I was younger and I still love to dance when I get the chance."

The sun was setting over Seoul and the view was more amazing by the minute. "I have to take a picture of this to send to my parents." Sun-Hee fished her phone out of her pocket and snapped several pictures, then did a panoramic shot that she thought she might frame and hang on the wall."

They ended their time outside taking selfies, which Sun-Hee soon learned were called Selcas in Korea.

Sun-Hee handed the camera to Hoseok. "You take them because you have longer arms." They took several smiling, then ended with silly faces. 

Hoseok wasn't surprised, but was deeply pleased that when Sun-Hee saw one particularly unflattering photo of herself, she laughed hysterically and said "I have to send this to Tae." She appeared to be genuine and humble and Hoseok was so happy Tae had brought her to their home.

Tae instantly sent back an equally unflattering selca.

Sun-Hee and Hoseok ran back into the house arm in arm laughing hysterically over Tae's picture

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Sun-Hee and Hoseok ran back into the house arm in arm laughing hysterically over Tae's picture.

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