Chapter 46

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Once they had all eaten and the boys had headed to their concert, Sun-Hee decided she didn't want to sit around her hotel room all day and pout. She was deeply disappointed not to go to the concert but it was only going to be worse if she sat around and moped. 

So she took a shower and got dressed in jeans and a hoody and her converse high tops. She braided her hair into two braids and put on the hat and mask Dal had given her for the airport. She grabbed her cross body bag and opened her door.

She was surprised to find someone standing right on the other side of her door. Dal turned around and lifted his eyebrows at her. "Are you going out?"

"Yes, I thought I'd go see a couple of sites in Tokyo since I'll just get more and more depressed if I sit in the hotel all day. I'm going to go to the Imperial Palace and the Senso-ji Temple. And maybe a museum after that." Then she frowned a little. "Shouldn't you be with the guys today? I'd feel a lot better if you were at their concert watching over them."

Dal shook his head, "No, there are plenty of guards watching them. I'll go out with you."

Sun-Hee was in the hall now headed to the elevators. "Oh, I'll be fine, you don't have to follow me around all day. No one knows who I am."

Dal chuckled a little as they stepped on to the elevator, "Okay, so I guess you haven't figured out yet that you are my assignment. I'm assigned to protect you. You may think you don't need a bodyguard, but Big Hit has brought you here and has a contract with you. They have assigned me to protect you and so I'll go with you on your sight seeing."

Sun-Hee's eyes got big. "I have a bodyguard? Huh." She thought about that. "I have a bodyguard. Wow, that is really a weird thing to say. What exactly does Big Hit think you will be protecting me from out in the city of Tokyo? I can't even imagine a scenario that I would need to be protected."

They were walking out of the elevator now and making their way through the lobby to the street. Dal didn't want to scare her but he wanted her to understand she needed him there. "This is a big city. What if you were to get injured or lost? Or what if you got attacked by some gang members?"

Sun-Hee scrunched up her nose as Dal hailed a cab. "There are gangs in Tokyo?"

A cab pulled right over and they got in. "Yes, they have a definite organized crime problem here."

Once in the cab Sun-Hee said, "Yeah, but..."

Dal took her hands and told the driver, "Imperial Palace." Then to Sun-Hee, "Listen, I know it is weird for you, but think about it this way, if something happened to you, your soulmate would be in danger. We don't want that, now do we?" Dal was careful not to use names like Jungkook and Big Hit.

Finally Sun-Hee understood, "Ohhhhh, protecting me to protect him! I see. Sorry, I guess I'm slow. Okay, I'm on board. But let's have a good day, okay? Will you eat with me and souvenir shop and enjoy the day? I really need a nice day since I'm missing out on what I wanted to do."

Dal gave her a small smile but didn't commit to having fun. This gave Sun-Hee a mission. She was going to make him have a fun day with her whether he wanted to or not. 

And she did. They toured the Imperial Palace. When Dal wouldn't take a selfie with her, she started just 'accidentally' taking pictures with him in the background and texting them to him. He finally laughed and said, "Okay, one selca, then you have to stop." They took an amazing selfie with the bridge and castle in the background.

When they went to the souvenir shop, Dal refused to pick out a souvenir. So Sun-Hee started to threaten to buy him the most hideous things. They got more and more expensive the longer he took to find something he wanted. He finally found a wide silver ring with an impression of the castle on it. It wasn't expensive and he liked it. Sun-Hee gave him a pointed look, "Okay, I'll buy the ring instead of the three meter mural, as long as you wear it. I don't know though, that giant scale model of the castle is very temping." Dal wore the ring.

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