Chapter 31

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There was a little bit of a damper on the rest of the day because Jungkook had to go to work the next day and Sun-Hee started school. They wouldn't be able to skin bond whenever they wanted any more. The two of them went to Namjoon to try to get help working out a schedule and figure out the logistics. After talking it over, it was decided that in the morning Jungkook would go to work and Sun-Hee would go to school. When Sun-Hee's classes were done around noon then a car from Big Hit would pick her up and bring her to bond with Jungkook during his lunch, then bring her home.  This schedule would work for regular work days but on days when BTS had an event or were traveling, it would have to be specially planned. 

Sun-Hee sat down and read through the non-disclosure agreement that Manager Sejin left. It stated that she couldn't post any pictures on social media of any member of BTS, it encouraged her to delete all social media accounts, in fact. It stated that if the two of them were in public they would be required to be in a group and they could not stand near each other or touch in any way. Sun-Hee was required to take birth control even if her and Jungkook weren't intimate. They were also both required to make an attempt to keep each other alive by willingly soul bonding. Of course. She was surprised they had to write that in.

Big Hit would be keeping the soulmate status secret from most company staff because they were worried about a leak of information. Most of the staff were extremely loyal but this was big news and someone could accidentally or intentionally let the information slip. So to Big Hit staff Sun-Hee was an intern working with RM. She wasn't sure why they picked him, maybe because she was American and he spoke English. 

There were a couple of parts of the NDA that Sun-Hee felt needed to be changed. It stated that she couldn't tell anyone who her soulmate was, and she wanted to tell her parents. She also wanted to add in the agreement that Big Hit would not be allowed to take or post pictures of her.

The NDA made Jungkook frustrated. He didn't like that idols were supposed to be perfect, instead of 'regular people'. He felt that he should be able to get a tattoo or body piercings or have a girlfriend without judgement. Sun-Hee completely agreed, "You sound more American than Korean while talking about that."

Jungkook had wanted to finish building Sun-Hee's book shelf that he had started on his birthday. So they headed down to her apartment. She made ramyeon while he built the shelf. Jungkook liked food a little spicier than she did, so she put a little of her spice packet into his bowl. She also cooked up some mushrooms and onions to add to it and made boiled eggs. It was a simple meal but Jungkook was so happy with it because it felt like eating with Sun-Hee was the start to the rest of his life. Sun-Hee felt like life was this perfect bubble right now and in the back of her mind she was worried there was a pin just waiting to pop it.

After eating and cleaning up from the shelf build, they thought they had earned some skin bonding time. Sun-Hee went into her closet and changed into a tank top and shorts, for maximum skin contact. Jungkook took off his shirt and they laid on the couch under a blanket and watched a K-drama. Sun-Hee had never seen it before so she had lots of questions about the characters and what had happened. Jungkook filled her in as the show went on. By the end of the episode she was hooked. "So who do you think Student X is? I can't believe Eun Ho, Tae Woon, and Dae Hwi are going to be punished for something they didn't do! When is the next episode?"

They were so comfortable cuddling under the blanket, the warm-joy feeling relaxing them that they fell asleep. 

The next thing they knew someone was pounding on the door. Sun-Hee always had a hard time waking up. Jungkook was able to get up faster than her. He turned and gently dumped her off his chest on to the couch and went to the door. It was Hobi. "Jungkook, we leave in a half hour for work, you need to come get ready quickly." Then he poked his head inside the door and waved to Sun-Hee, "Have a wonderful first day of school pretty girl! You need an alarm clock! Also we need a key to your apartment, Joonie was frustrated you weren't answering your phones and we couldn't get ahold of you."

Hobi left. Jungkook grabbed his shirt and put it on. Sun-Hee was unsteadily standing by this time. "I guess we fell asleep huh?" She stretched her arms up to the sky and yawned.

Jungkook chuckled and hugged her around her middle. She brought her arms down around his neck. "I guess we did. I'll see you at lunch. I had a nice night." He kissed her forehead and both of them felt perfectly contented.

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