Chapter 39

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They arrived at the back entrance of the restaurant and were ushered into a private room. Sun-Hee thought the restaurant looked Japanese judging by the decor. There was a long table in the middle of the room, so they all went in and sat down. Without planning it they ended up creating a Hyung side of the table and a Maknae side. Jungkook, Sun-Hee, Tae, and Jimin on one side in order of age, and the older men on the other. Jin had already ordered their food with the reservation and once they were seated, the food started arriving. They started with salads, then came the most gorgeous plates of sushi Sun-Hee had ever seen. After that was tempura shrimp and soup. Everything was delicious.

They all enjoyed the casualness of the meal. They chatted and teased through the whole dinner. They were all enjoying sake with the meal and the more the sake flowed the louder and sillier the boys got. Sun-Hee stuck with water. She only drank alcohol once in Korea and it wasn't something she wanted any reminders of.

The boys started to do a talent show of sorts, trying to make everyone laugh. Jungkook did impressions of the other boys that had them all laughing. He imitated Jin blowing kisses while frowning and Yoongi talking to ARMY at a concert and Jimin's dancing to No More Dream, lifting his shirt. Jimin imitated the Keanu Reeves character in the matrix when he leans back with arms flailing avoiding bullets in slow motion. Jin did a back bend then moved across the floor like a crab. Hobi did a pop and lock dance. Jimin did an impressive ballet leap in the air then landed in the splits. Jungkook did a backwards summer sault into a hand stand.

Sun-Hee clapped and cheered at each talent. Then Tae said he was going to do a magic trick and asked Sun-Hee for her scarf. Sun-Hee thought: Oh No! Jungkook started laughing next to her so she elbowed him in the side. She handed Tae a cloth napkin and said "Here, use this."

But Tae said it was too rough and he needed something silky. So Sun-Hee lied, "Oh, I think the knot is too tight, you can just show us the magic trick at home."

Tae insisted he could undo the knot and get it off and reached over to try. Sun-Hee moved back and held the scarf away but Tae was determined. In the play-struggle that proceeded, Tae got Sun-Hee down on the floor and sat on her. He called Jimin for help holding her hands so he could get the scarf. Jimin came right over to help.

Sun-Hee called for Jungkook, "Don't just sit their laughing, get these guys off me! What kind of boyfriend are you? Heeelllllppp!"

But Jungkook thought the whole scene was hysterical. Once Jimin held her hands, Tae got the scarf off immediately. "Yes!" He held it up to show his victory. Then Jimin and Tae got shocked faces. They were the only ones who could see her neck because they had her down on the floor. Jimin let go of her hands and Tae got off her. When she stood up her face was tomato red and she was holding the sweatshirt collar up to her mouth.

Jungkook was laughing so hard he had tears, Jimin and Tae were still shocked but starting to laugh now too. The other boys all wanted to know what was going on. Sun-Hee sat down in her seat, still holding the sweatshirt up to cover her neck. "Ok, show us this magic trick Tae, we all want to see your talent."

Jimin had a huge smile. He waggled his eyebrows, "Well, I think we just discovered Jungkook has a new talent."

Jin dismissed Tae, "No one cares about Tae's talent now, show us what you all are laughing at."

Yoongi shook his head, "You guys are so dense. Why would a girl be covering her neck? Just think about it for a moment."

Namjoon understood right away. "Oh, wow. Well, don't embarrass her. Tae do your magic trick for us."

But Hobi and Jin were still clueless. Hobi looked around at everyone, "So everyone knows but me and Jin?"

Jin looked at Jungkook, "You seem to think this is funny, show us her neck."

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