Chapter 37

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Jungkook went up to eat at his apartment. Everyone expressed their disappointment that he didn't bring Sun-Hee.

Jimin complained, "She hasn't eaten here for days, we thought she'd come to dinner tonight! We all wanted to see her after last night."

"She's perfectly fine. She was just screaming at me a minute ago, so I know she is fine." Jungkook said as he sat down to dinner.

Hobi raised and eyebrow and asked, "What'd you do?"

"I did nothing! She had some guy from her class over to her house to study today and he left his coat there. And she was studying with him at the library last night and that is why she was late. She doesn't think she should have told me about him." Jungkook explained.

Namjoon said, "Well last night was, er, busy, so maybe she didn't get a chance to tell you. And at lunch today you seemed, well, occupied. Too occupied to eat even. So maybe she just didn't get a chance to tell you."

"You are taking her side?" Jungkook leveled his gaze at Namjoon.

"No. No, not at all. I was just thinking that could be a possible reason." Namjoon said.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook, "This isn't the whole story. You said she was screaming at you. Why is she mad at you?"

"Well, we saw the guy at the store when I was having her key made and I wanted him to know she was mine, so I introduced myself. She thinks it was dangerous." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"It was." Yoongi was always so matter of fact about everything. "You signed a contract saying you wouldn't be out with just the two of you. She is looking out for your best interests by being mad at that. I'm surprised she was even okay going out with you alone. I would have thought she would know better."

Jungkook looked a bit guilty. Yoongi's eyebrows raised, "Oh, so she wasn't okay with it, and you convinced her. Then you introduced yourself where someone might hear? Well it is no wonder she was screaming at you."

Jungkook looked around at all the faces and could tell everyone agreed with Sun-Hee. "Wow, thanks for taking her side. Thanks for dinner Jin. I gotta go."

Jungkook went to his room to get ready to go to Sun-Hee's place. When he came out Jin raised his eyebrows at Jungkook. "THAT is what you are wearing to soul bond?" They were used to seeing Jungkook head down in shorts and a t-shirt but tonight his clothing was drastically different. Jungkook was wearing full black sweats with a turtleneck and a black hoody, and socks.

"I think you need actual skin to soul bond, Jungkook." Jimin offered.

Jungkook looked at them all, "I'm not wearing gloves." Then he left.

Sun-Hee took a shower after eating. She brushed her teeth and rubbed herself with cream before getting into a tank top and shorts. She was combing out her damp hair when Jungkook came in using his new key.

He peeked into the bathroom and saw her, "I like having a key, I don't have to knock. I can enter at any time." He raised one of his eyebrows at her.

She came over to him and put her arms up and around his neck, "You are welcome to come in to my apartment whenever you want. There will never be something I don't want you to see. I'm sorry we fought. I'm glad no one took a picture of us at the store, I just want to be safe. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Dae-Hyun, I think we honestly were so busy that I didn't think of it. I'm really ready to bond now if you want to get ready. Wow, you really got a lot of layers on there." She gave him a nice smile.

Her apology caught him off guard. He had been ready to punish her by making her only hold hands with him and not giving her more. But just having her apologize so honestly made him realize he was being immature. "I'm sorry too. All my Hyungs took your side of the argument and I'm pretty sure that was because you are right. I shouldn't have gone against the contract and dragged you with me. I also shouldn't have said my name in public so people could hear. I'm sorry I overreacted. I was really jealous that a man was in your apartment and I didn't know."

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