Chapter 38

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Sun-Hee arrived to Jungkook's office after attending her classes. He was sitting on the couch with plates of food in front of him.

He looked at the scarf on her neck and got a smug look on his face. "How did your morning go? Any plans for this afternoon?"

Sun-Hee was slightly annoyed that he would already know what happened. "My morning was fine. I started writing my poem for Poetry class. And my plans for the afternoon involve studying." She looked at his knowing smile. "Alone."

She punched him lightly on the arm, "How did you knooooowwwww?"

"I'm a guy, I never willingly studied anything unless I was trying to flirt with a girl." Jungkook smiled.

Sun-Hee laughed at the ridiculousness of that comment. "Not all guys are like that, some guys like to study. Look at Joonie. Besides, I never showed Dae-Hyun my neck. He said right away that he was busy when I asked him about studying. I think your intimidation move at the convenience store is what scared him off."

Jungkook pulled her over onto his lap with a Cheshire smile, "Smart man."

Namjoon walked in at that moment after a quick knock on the door. "We need to figure out Sun-Hee's plans for Tokyo this weekend." He took a seat in the chair and started eating their food. "Our flights are scheduled for Friday at 4pm. Wow, I guess that is tomorrow. It is about a three hour flight so we will get to the hotel around 8pm. We stay for three nights and fly back on Monday afternoon. We have a concert on Saturday night and Sunday night. Sun-Hee if you are flying with us you will be able to go to your classes Friday but not on Monday. Is that okay?"

Sun-Hee thought about that. She really didn't like to miss class, but in all honesty she would probably be fine missing her classes one day. "That should be fine, but if I was able to come back Monday morning and go to my classes, I guess that would be preferred."

Namjoon nodded, "That shouldn't be a problem. And, um, they will have a private room for you Sun-Hee, we're not sure yet how to explain that you don't have a roommate when all the rest of the staff do. Hopefully no one asks. But they will give you a room near Jungkook's for discretion. And Sejin asked me to remind you two that you will need to be extra careful because the whole staff will be in the same hotel, we don't want to give anything away. They will try to separate us by floors from the rest of the staff as best they can."

Sun-Hee nodded, "Thanks Joonie. I appreciate everyone helping to accommodate me."

Namjoon smiled, "No problem, you are an important part of Bangtan now. Last thing, do you want to watch the concerts from back stage or from the audience?"

"Oh, wow. Um, could I do one concert from the audience and one from back stage?"

Namjoon's look told her this was the perfect answer. "Sure, that sounds like a great idea. Knowing you are in the audience will make us perform our hearts out."

Namjoon got up to leave, "Text me if you think of anything else. Oh, and everyone expects you for dinner tonight. We have plans. We've missed you."

Sun-Hee smiled, "I'll be there."

Jungkook and Sun-Hee ate quickly and bonded a bit. Sun-Hee seemed to be doing much better staying recharged since the addition of the lip kisses. Which they both used as an excuse to do a lot of kissing. They said their goodbyes and Jungkook was off to a meeting and Sun-Hee headed home.

Dal was waiting again to drive Sun-Hee to her apartment. She got into the front seat. "Thank you so much, I'm sure you have better things to do than drive me home each day."

"Actually, that's part of my job." Dal didn't look offended. She had meant to be nice by saying it. His answer made her realize it might have sounded like an insult.

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