Chapter 25

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The boys were at work the next day so Sun-Hee tried to find things to occupy herself. She started to unpack the pieces to the large bookshelf but it was a complex build so she decided to procrastinate on that one.

She spent a couple hours learning the dance moves to Dope. She was surprised how well she did, considering that she hadn't done choreographed dancing for years. She had to keep turning around so the TV was at her back so she didn't do the mirror image of the dance. She got most of the way through the choreography, but that was only because there were several parts that repeated. 

She grabbed a granola bar and a big glass of water and flopped on the couch. She wanted to watch more BTS videos but she wasn't sure if she should wait and watch them together because Jimin liked to film her reactions. She remembered there was one video that they didn't think they should watch with her. So maybe she should watch Blood, Sweat, and Tears by herself. She typed it into Youtube on her TV. 

The style was very different right from the start. It didn't have the bright colors of DNA and it didn't have the 'youth gone wild' feel of Run. The video started in a museum and they were dressed in beautiful clothing, they looked more like grown men to her than their other videos. A scene of all of them, in their fancy clothes sitting on a couch with a chandelier laying on the floor next to them flashed on the screen. "Oh my gosh." It looked like a scene out of a vampire movie. Sun-Hee continued to say, "Oh my gosh" on repeat throughout the rest of the video. She blushed to the root of her hair and stayed red for at least the next hour. She had to pause the video and walk around the room a couple times. But she always came back to watch the rest. 

They were way too sexy in this video. Way. Too. Sexy. For their own good. It might have been better if she didn't watch it. Maybe it would be better to desensitize herself to it, by watching it again? Maybe she was blowing it out of proportions? Upon the second, third, and fourth viewings, she decided she should not have watched it again. The men became more and more sexy each time. And Jungkook, goodness sakes alive. On the swing? In the bed? She'd never be able to look him in the eyes again. Her imagination ran wild.

Sun-Hee needed a task to distract her, she decided to make dinner for the men. She brought the ingredients up to their apartment and started cooking bolognese, a sauce that takes hours to cook. Once she got the sauce started, she walked around and straightened things up. She looked downstairs and found the laundry room. There was a pile of dirty clothes, so she put those in to wash. She found some clean clothes in the dryer and folded them into a hamper. There was a really soft big black sweatshirt. She wasn't sure who's it was, but they all seemed fine with her wearing their clothes. She was a bit cold so she threw it on over her t-shirt. The sweatshirt came to just above her knees. Wow, she loved this sweatshirt, it was more soft than she first realized.

She texted the group chat.

SH: Making dinner at your place. Let me know when you are close to home so I can do the last minute preparations.

She sent a selfie of her on the balcony overlooking the view.

They didn't text back right away so they must be working. When they did text back they said they'd be home by 6:00 tonight, but they would text when they were leaving. They were excited about dinner. And they sent selfies to her also.

Sun-Hee set the table and made the salad and put it in the fridge. She knew she was trying to distract herself from the images of their vampire personas going through her head. Inspiration struck. What she needed was a Disney movie. The innocence of a Disney movie would wash all these thoughts from her head. So she cuddled up on the couch with a throw blanket and watched Finding Nemo. She paused it several times to add wine or chicken broth to the bolognese sauce. Towards the end of the movie she got a text from Jin saying they were headed home.

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