Chapter 54

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The next day the group members woke up and left at their normal early time. After Jungkook got ready, he came into Sun-Hee's room and climbed onto Sun-Hee in bed and peppered her face with kisses. "Have a good day. I will see you later." He laughed and gave her his bunny smile. "Don't have too much fun on your date with Jimin." He teased.

Sun-Hee gave him a sleepy smile and mumbled, "Well, I won't be having as much fun as I did with you last night." She hugged him around his middle. She remembered the mark she made on his neck and opened her eyes wider to see the damage she had done. "Wait, how is your hickey so faded already?! I can hardly see it!"

Jungkook smiled a devilish smile. "I put make up on it, now it barely shows."

"What?! How did you get make-up to match your skin tone so perfectly?" She tried to rub the make-up off but he was dodging her hands. 

"We each have make-up specially made for our skin tone." Finally he grabbed her hands and held them above her head.

"Well, I know what I'm putting on my Christmas list! You know that I did that specifically to make Jang-Mi mad and now she will barely notice!"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at her, "Wow, I haven't seen your bratty side before. It is kinda cute. If it makes you feel any better it doesn't matter if I cover it up, Jang-Mi will definitely notice."

Sun-Hee wasn't sure that made her feel any better. Jungkook gave her a big kiss and sprang off the bed quickly so she couldn't attack his hickey again. "I gotta go, see you later!"

Sun-Hee washed up but decided not to get dressed. She put on her XXL pajamas because she was supposed to see Jimin this morning and she suspected Jimin would sleep in. He usually liked to wake up late, if given the chance. 

Sun-Hee sat down at her computer with a big sigh. She emailed her professors to let them know that she had to drop their classes. She also filled out the form online to officially drop her classes with SU. She felt bad that she had to do it but she hoped she would be able to finish her degree in the future.

Then Sun-Hee turned on some BTS music and started laundry, vacuumed, and emptied the dishwasher. By the time she was done there was a knock on her door. 

Sun-Hee looked out the peephole and smiled. "Jimin! You are up early!" She said as she opened the door.

Jimin had a huge smile on his face. He was wearing jeans and a black and white striped shirt with a hood. He was holding two pet carriers and a paper shopping bag in his hands. "Wait until you see what I have!"

Jimin came in and put the carriers against the living room wall next to the couches. He opened one of the carriers and a black and white kitten peeked out, then cautiously walked out onto the carpet. It was followed by another and another.

Sun-Hee was delighted. She knew enough about kittens not to scream and scare them. She put her hands up to her mouth and loud whispered, "You brought kittens?!?" 

Jimin laughed, "I knew you would love them. They are on loan from an animal shelter just down the street. We've worked with them several times when we needed animals for our videos. And we've done fund-raising for them too." Jimin picked up a kitten and kissed it on the head and cuddled it to his neck. "These kittens are ten weeks old and almost ready to be adopted out. They are just waiting to get spayed and neutered. But their surgeries aren't until tomorrow so they said I could take care of them today." Jimin looked adorable cuddling on the kitten.

There were six kittens in various colors. Most were black, white, or a mixture of black and white, but there was also a calico kitten. Jimin showed Sun-Hee how to put each kitten in the litter box, which was in the second carrier, and let them walk out of it so they would remember where it was. He also got some supplies out of the shopping bag and put out dry food and water for them. He handed Sun-Hee a couple of cat toys. 

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