Chapter 47

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Big Hit staff got Jungkook up to his hotel room and left him with Sun-Hee. When Dal walked in Sun-Hee was trying to get his clothes off so they could continue to soul bond. Dal took over while Sun-Hee ran to the bathroom to get changed into shorts and a t-shirt. When she came out, Dal had Jungkook in the middle of the bed under the covers in his boxers. Sun-Hee climbed in and laid right on top of Jungkook. She lifted her shirt for maximum skin touch. She was so glad to feel the warm-joy radiate through her body. She couldn't imagine what had prompted Jungkook's collapse but she was glad their soul bond was helping him to recover.

Sun-Hee thanked Dal and asked him to let the the band in as soon as they arrived. She knew they would all be really worried about Jungkook. It was only about fifteen minutes later when all six piled into the room to see how he was doing. Manager Sejin was there too although he hung back a bit and watched.

Jungkook opened his eyes a bit and tried to smile, "I'm okay. Sorry to have worried you all. I'm feeling better."

Sun-Hee knew that it had taken a lot of energy for him to try to appear to be recovering because she could tell he was still very weak.

All the men came over to rub Jungkook's head or shoulder or hold his hand and give him an encouraging word. Sejin slipped out after seeing Jungkook would be okay.

Jungkook closed his eyes to rest some more. But all the guys just stayed sitting on the bed close by, many of them continued to have a hand on Jungkook. They cared about him so much.

Sun-Hee was still laying on Jungkook under the covers. She looked at Namjoon. "Do we know why he collapsed?"

Namjoon frowned a bit, "Jungkook went all out, all day. Normally we take it super easy during rehearsal so that we have plenty of energy for the concert. But Jungkook practiced at full energy all day. We told him to slow down a bit, but we weren't really worried about it because he usually knows his limitations. I'm not sure why he gave 100% all day long. There were fans there for the rehearsals, just like usual, but he's never done that before."

Sun-Hee frowned also. She didn't know what would prompt him to wear himself out like that. She turned to Jin, "Can you get some food and have it ready here by the bed for when he wakes? And some water?"

Jin nodded and hopped off the bed, heading out to the hall.

Sun-Hee saw that Tae and Jimin were really worried. She reached out to touch their hands. "He's going to be okay. I can feel the soul bonding is really strong. It is healing him." They smiled in relief at hearing that. "How was the concert, before all this happened?"

Hobi answered, "It was really fun, we were having a good time. But we missed you. We wished you were there. All of our songs were really great. But then Jungkook stumbled a couple times during Mic Drop and at the end, he just collapsed while walking down the stairs to backstage. Luckily he fell right on Namjoon, who caught him." 

Sun-Hee patted Namjoon's leg. "You must have done a good job catching him because I didn't find a scratch or bruise on him."

Namjoon nodded, "The hardest thing was we had to go back out and do Spring Day without him. And we all just wanted to be done, but we had to be strong for ARMY. It wasn't easy. We didn't do the dance, we just sang. Jin, Tae, and Jimin did Jungkook's part together and didn't even cry until nearly the end."

Jin came in with a rolling cart of food just then, "Joonie, Manager Sejin wants to talk to you in the hall."

On a regular night, the group would usually scramble over to the food. But this night they were hesitant to eat. One by one they did make their way to the coffee table and get some food. 

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