Chapter 14

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Jin went down to Jungkook's room and knocked before opening the door. He found Jungkook sitting on his bed with an unopened suitcase in front of him. Jin sat down next to him and put his arm around Jungkook's shoulders. "You alright? What was all of that?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what just happened. All of it is a bit of a blur. I think I must be more tired than I realized." Jungkook rubbed his forehead like he might be getting a headache.

"Yoongi's fixing you a plate, do you want him to bring it to you here or do you feel up to coming to the kitchen to eat?" Jin rubbed Jungkook's back a little, trying to help him feel better.

"Let me unpack my stuff. I'll come down and eat in the kitchen in a minute. Thanks hyung."

"Ok, we're going to watch a scary movie that Jimin picked out tonight if you feel like joining us."

Jungkook nodded.

Jimin turned out all the lights. Hoseok had made lots of popcorn. Namjoon and Yoongi chose chairs, the rest piled on the couch. Tae pulled Sun-Hee to sit between his legs like usual and wrapped his arms around her middle. She had put on a brown fuzzy sweatshirt from Jin because she had been cold and to Tae it felt like he was hugging a teddy bear. Jimin sat on one side of Tae and Jin sat on the other. Hobi sat at the far end of the couch because it was farthest from the TV and horror movies weren't his favorite. Once everyone was comfy they started the movie.

Jungkook had put away his toiletries and started a load of laundry. He headed toward the kitchen to have his food but only got part way through the living room before stopping. He stopped himself from saying 'what the hell' out loud. First of all, he couldn't believe that they let her stay after how she treated him. It felt disloyal on their part. Second, give the girl a little room to breathe. She was absolutely plastered to Tae he was holding her like his life depended on it. Jin was holding her hand and Jimin was positively cuddling against her side. Jungkook felt like going over and ripping her out of their arms. She looked like she was being completely smothered. He felt the ache in his chest again and took a deep breath and just walked through to the kitchen. 

While Jungkook ate, he thought. How could they all accept her so fully and completely in just one day?  Had it only been one day? It was starting to feel like more. He was very attuned to the sounds coming from the other room. Every once in a while they would all scream in fright or say "gross" or have some reaction to the movie. He knew he had to fight the urged to rip her from their arms. He knew these thoughts were completely inappropriate. But then why did he feel them so passionately? And why did it feel like she should be his girlfriend, not Tae's?

He set his plate in the sink and had planned to walk through the living room quickly but as he passed through he heard a gagging noise. Sun-Hee jumped up from the couch with her hand over her mouth and ran to the bathroom. He was walking that way so he was the first to arrive at the bathroom door. She was kneeling on the bathroom floor throwing up in the toilet. Jungkook was concerned, he KNEW they were squeezing her too hard. She said, "Sorry, I'm so sorry!" then turned to see it was Jungkook. Her face changed, "Oh, it's you. Can you at least give a girl some privacy?!?" 

He closed the door and turned to the others coming down the hall. "She says she wants privacy." Jungkook wasn't happy she was throwing up, but he was more comfortable with her locked in a bathroom away from these handsy men.

They all gathered in the living room and tried to figure out what had caused her to get sick. But no one could think of anything. When she came out she apologetically held up a toothbrush. "Sorry to whoever now has to get a new toothbrush."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, he reached out and pinched it from her hands, "Wow, absolutely disgusting, thanks a lot."

Jimin and Tae went right to Sun-Hee, rubbing her back, asking if she was okay. She laughed a little, "Yeah, I guess you guys are going to find all my weaknesses quicker than I wanted. I'm deathly afraid of needles." They all thought about what needles she had seen and all at once they remembered the scene they had just watched where the lunatic doctor had pulled out a big needle and stuck it into the girl.

"Wow, that is some strong phobia." Yoongi said.

"It has been a problem my whole life. My doctor recently had to sedate me to give me my immunizations to come to Korea. It is kind of silly really, kids get shots all the time without a fuss. Sorry to scare you all. I'm okay now. I might have some nightmares but it will be okay. I think I better go, I can't watch any more. I'm so sorry to ruin our movie night." She turned to Jungkook. "But, not sorry to ruin your toothbrush." Jungkook glared at her.

They all walked her to the door to say good night.

"Night Pretty Girl!" Hobi said rubbing his hand up and down her arms and kissing her on the forehead.

Yoongi came over and gave Sun-Hee a hug and told her he was looking forward to dinner tomorrow.

Namjoon was next. He put his finger under her chin and looked her in the eyes. "Don't forget our gallery tour after dinner." 

Her face got soft and she said, "I'm so looking forward to it."

Jin rubbed her shoulders and said, "Good night sweetheart." She tried to take off the sweatshirt to give it back, but Jin said to keep it because it made her nice and fuzzy for them to hug on.

Jimin protested, "Did you just give away the sweatshirt I gave you for your birthday!? Woooow! I do agree it is better on her though." Jimin grabbed Sun-Hee from behind while she was facing Jin and sprinkled kisses over the back of her neck. She squealed and squirmed. "Park Jimin, you did NOT just kiss my neck!"

Jimin gave a devilish smile but he still held her tight, "They were platonic kisses, I promise! Well, unless you want them to be more, hmmm?" And he gave her neck one more good nuzzle. Winning another squeal out of her.

Jungkook had been pacing around the living room with his hands in fists wondering who to beat the crap out of first. He had now decided. Jimin would get the first beating. He wanted to punch him right in the nose. Repeatedly. For the second time tonight he wanted to yell, "Get off her!"

Tae grabbed Sun-Hee's hand and pulled her to the door saying, "That was the worst possible reaction you could give Jimin. He will never stop kissing you on the neck if he gets a reaction like that."

"The hell he won't." Jungkook murmured as he folded his arms across his chest. Namjoon looked at Jungkook with eyebrows up as if to say 'What was that?' Jungkook bit his thumbnail and shook his head.

As soon as Tae and Sun-Hee were gone Jungkook turned on them, finally able to say what he is thinking, "What the HELL is going on around here? What the HELL even was all that? You have known her for A. DAY. I would remind you! And why do you ALL act like she is your girlfriend? Jimin is fuckin' kissing on her neck. Yoongi is hugging on her. She's wearing Jin's sweatshirt and Joonie has a date with her tomorrow night? What the actual HELL?"

They boys looked at him stunned. Namjoon was the first to speak, "I actually don't know why we all fell for her so quickly, but we did. We all really like her, a lot. I'm sorry if that has come as a shock to you, especially since she seems to bring out the worst in you. But I think if you were to give her a chance, you would really like her too."

Jimin added, "Why do you care if I kiss her on the neck? What is it to you? Don't act like we're doing something wrong. The only one who has kissed her on the lips is Tae. We all just like to be around her."

Jungkook closed his eyes and let his head fall back as if he was having to regain some patience before speaking. When his head came up, his eyes filled with fire were pointed at Jimin. "Jimin, don't act like any of that was normal! We have barely ever had girls to our house and we never treated them like that! I don't understand why you've all gone crazy over this girl. We have to get up early, I'm going to bed." He walked toward his room knowing that he just told them all a lie. He knew exactly why they had all gone crazy over this girl, because he felt it too. He wanted her too. It was just that they all seemed to be dealing with it better than he was. They weren't plotting to punch Jimin's lights out like he was. And Tae, he wanted to punch Tae, who was with her right now in her apartment, probably kissing her. He moaned, "Get a grip, what is the matter with you?" 

Jungkook decided he needed to work out before he went to bed. He went downstairs to their gym and put on his hand wraps to work out with the punching bags. Well, whatever was going on here, it was likely going to help his work out routine because he was going to imaging that punching bag was Jimin, and then Tae. He would be sore tomorrow.

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