Chapter 40

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They were right about the airport. There were fans lined up behind barricades the entire way through to the security checkpoint. Sun-Hee stopped, a little overwhelmed and was confused about where she should go. Dal told her to follow a bodyguard up ahead so she did. She wanted to do a good job and not cause any trouble so the bodyguards could focus on protecting the group members.

She did just what Dal had told her. She kept her eyes looking around and was aware of everything going on. She also kept an eye on the bodyguard she was following. She knew the seven boys were behind her because the screaming was going on as they passed the fans. Wow, she thought, the fans really love these guys. They must be so excited to be seeing them in person. She had admiration for ARMY's good taste. They have to be the kindest most talented idols out there, good choice girls!

There was a movement to Sun-Hee's right. A girl with a blue school uniform and long black hair hopped over the barricade and ran towards Sun-Hee. The girl was looking behind Sun-Hee but her defensive training kicked in. Sun-Hee shot out her arm and clothes-lined the girl in the neck. The girl fell on her back with a smack. Oh gosh, what did I just do? Sun-Hee had heard the girl's head hit the tiled floor. Sun-Hee immediately kneeled down and grabbed the girl's shoulder's and apologized. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

Dal was there instantly, grabbing the girl's hands. Sun-Hee looked at him, "What did I do?"

He smiled, "You did good. Keep going." Relief washed over Sun-Hee, she was glad she hadn't just accosted a fan, unnecessarily. Sun-Hee stood up to keep going and glanced back to see police taking the girl and Dal running to catch up with the rest of them.

Once Sun-hee was through security she was ushered to stand with the rest of the Big Hit employees. She could see the seven heading over to a private jet. She didn't know if she should follow because she had been told to stand here.

Jang-Mi was there with the other employees. When she saw Sun-Hee, she headed right towards her. "Hi Sun-Hee, how are you?"

"Hi Jang-Mi. I'm good." Sun-Hee gave her a nice smile.

"Do you know who you are rooming with in Tokyo?" Jang-Mi asked.

"Oh, you know, I'm not actually sure." Sun-Hee might just be getting the hang of lying, that sounded really believable.

Jang-Mi raised an eyebrow and frowned all at once, "I'm surprised that you are even coming on this trip. Interns don't usually go on concert trips because there isn't anything for them to do."

"Oh, yeah, well, lucky me I guess. Huh?" Sun-Hee tried to play it off lightly.

Jang-Mi's body language was getting a bit more aggressive. "What exactly do you do for Namjoon? I can't even understand why he has an intern. What are your duties exactly?"

Sun-Hee racked her brain to think of what her duties as Namjoon's intern would entail. She was drawing a blank. Then she heard a voice behind her that saved the day.

"Jang-Mi, I know you aren't asking Sun-Hee to violate her NDA and tell you private information about her internship with Namjoon. You have been an employee at Big Hit for far too long to make that mistake." Sun-Hee turned to find Dal behind her.

Jang-Mi looked nervous now, "Oh, well. Of course she can't tell me specifics. I was just meaning general, regular duties."

Dal put his hand on Sun-Hee's back and turned her toward the private jet. "Let's get you to your plane."

"Wait! She gets to ride in the private jet?! That is ridiculous!" Jang-Mi seemed to have lost her nervousness and replaced it with outrage.

Dal turned back around and gave Jang-Mi a severe look. "If Namjoon would like his intern to ride with him, to get work done on the flight, no one has the right to question it. I will choose not to report your disloyalty this time."

Sun-Hee was so glad to have Dal there, walking her to the plane. "Thank you so much! I'm so glad you are here! Goodness, what a day."

Dal hooked Sun-Hee's arm in his as they walked. She had seen some bodyguards and Manager Sejin do this with the group members also. Dal's eyes were moving back and forth even now on the almost empty tarmac. "You did so good today. I can't believe you clocked that sasaeng fan! I can't wait to watch the footage of it."

Sun-Hee's eyebrows rose, "What's a sasaeng?"

Dal chuckled, "A sasaeng is a crazy fan that stalks idols. They try to touch them or get personal items to keep. That girl was headed for Jungkook and you took her out. It was awesome. No one can believe it."

As Sun-Hee walked on to the plane everyone cheered. It surprised her, but she was glad Dal had explained on the way. She gave them a few little bows and held her hands in praying position to say 'thank you'. Then she headed for the empty seat next to Namjoon.

Jimin and Tae came right over with their phones. "You HAVE to see the footage! Look at this."

They pulled it up on Youtube. The title of the video was "Bad-Ass Big Hit Employee Takes Down Sasaeng." The camera angle was from behind and above. Sun-Hee was immediately relieved that you couldn't see her face at all. She had worn a mask but there was no identifying anyone from this angle.

They could see the staff walk through, then BTS enter the frame. The girl in blue jumps the barricade and Sun-Hee's arm shoots out at the exact moment and the girl runs right into her arm with her neck. The girl goes down flat on her back. Then Sun-Hee looks like she aggressively grabs the girl by the shoulders and Dal is there so quick, grabbing her hands. Then Sun-Hee stands and walks off. The two boys hug her and cheer.

"Watch, they do it in slow-motion now!" Tae tells her. In slow motion, Sun-Hee can see better that Dal actually starts running at the exact moment the girl starts to go over the barrier. He is on an intercept course which is why he got there so quickly.

Sun-Hee smiled at them. Jimin and Tae were looking at her with admiration. "It was just so awesome! I can't believe you did that!" Jimin said. "What did you say to her when you were holding her down? You probably really told her off, didn't you?"

Sun-Hee laughed. "I'll tell you what I said, but I warn you that you will probably be disappointed."

The boys nodded, thinking she had really laid into the girl. "I told her I was sorry and asked if she was okay."

The boys frowned at her. Jimin eyebrows came up with confusion, "You said what?!"

"I've never heard of a sasaeng fan before today. I thought I'd just knocked that fan on her back because I'd been too aggressive." Sun-Hee looked at them apologetically. They were clearly disappointed.

Tae shook his head, "I'm not going to remember it that way. In my mind you said, 'Stay away from my man, bitch!' and shook her a little on the floor. That would be a better ending."

Namjoon chuckled next to her, he had been watching the interaction with the two boys. "Alright guys, head to your seats. Sun-Hee and I have work to do."

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