Chapter 15

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Sun-Hee woke from her delicious dreams. She had been worried about having nightmares after the needle incident but, she hadn't. It had been a long time since she had sensual dreams like she did last night. And she knew exactly who's hands and kisses had made her feel so delicious. Too bad in real life neither of them had a civil word for each other. That would probably be a prerequisite to having such a sensual encounter. 

She wondered if there was something she could do to try to mend their relationship that had gotten off to such a rocky start. It was true that all the boys except Tae had assumed she was a bitch at first and had treated her coldly. Jungkook had just been the only one to say it out loud. And now that she thought of it, he hadn't meant for her to hear his words. She had probably overreacted. 

It was just that she had been SO looking forward to hearing him speak and when his words were so unkind, she just lost it. Maybe Jungkook would come to dinner tonight and they could be more civil to each other.

Sun-Hee got up, took a shower and got ready for her day. She had a list of ingredients to get for her cooking and she was going to head to the grocery store right away. Before she got out the door she got a text from her father which was odd because she had just talked to him and her mom last night on the phone and given them an update of how she was doing.

Dad: Hey Honey! We sure loved talking with you last night. We're so glad you have already made friends with some of your neighbors. Do you remember us telling you about the Lees (Lee Shiwoo and Lee Yoojin)? We lived in the apartment next to them when your mom and I were first married. I just caught up with them and they said they would love to have you over to dinner one day next week. They said Monday worked if that works for you. I thought it might be fun for you to hear some stories about when we were all first married and living in Korea. Let me know what you think and I'll give them your number.

SH: Hey dad. I would love to have dinner with the Lees. I'm not doing anything on Monday. You can send my number to them or give me theirs. Thanks!


Sun-Hee arrived home after doing her grocery shopping. She had also stopped at a store to get a few bottles of wine, which she didn't drink but she thought the boys would appreciate. She had to trust that the clerk at the store had helped her pick out some wines that would be good with Italian food.

Sun-Hee spent the rest of the day cooking. She started by making the sauce for the lasagna. Then she baked a cake. While the cake was in the oven she prepared the lasagna and put it in to bake. Afterwards, it was chicken parmesan, then the salad and garlic bread. Then after setting the table, and right before the boys were expected to arrive, she prepared the carbonara.

She barely had enough plates for them all but at least there were enough seats for everyone with three seats on each side and one person on each end. She also hadn't had enough wine glasses so there were a mixture of different cups on the table. But she had given each spot both chopsticks and a knife and fork so she was glad she had enough utensils. "Oh, well. It may not be perfect but I bet we will still all enjoy it."


The boys piled into the SUV after a long hard day of work, Jin drove toward home. They had worked all day getting ready for a Music Festival called Gayo Daejejeon. It was a Korean music show that had started in the 1960's. In the fall each year the top celebrated singers and groups were featured in a show. This year BTS was going to sing two songs. Almost every K-Pop group would be there to perform and they did an opening song with all the groups together. They had already planned and perfected their performances weeks ago. Now they were just going over last minute details like costumes and fine tuning the choreography. They were going to sing Go Go and Mic Drop. They had just a couple of days before the all day filming of the show. It was done in front of an audience but it wasn't broadcast live.

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