Chapter 51

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Jungkook woke up the next morning with Sun-Hee in his arms. Her head was laying on his bare chest, she had her pretty pajamas on, she was so beautiful as she peacefully slept. Her long black lashes were laying on her cheeks and her lips were a rosy pink. He didn't want to wake her up, so he just looked at her for a while and enjoyed the joy that their skin touching was giving him. He heard that the joy of skin bonding faded a bit over time that it wasn't as needed, that people became desensitized to the feeling. So far, that wasn't his experience. Even now after a whole night of soul bonding, he could feel the lovely feeling coming from her and flowing through his body.

He was glad she was getting some sleep. She had woken twice in the night having nightmares. She didn't want to talk about it either time but he could tell she was glad he was there to cuddle and comfort her back to sleep. 

He felt a bit powerless because he could not help her understand that she wasn't in danger, that he and the rest of the group would protect her. He didn't see any way this American guy could get to her, but he wasn't sure he could convince her of that. She hadn't even barely answered him when he had talked to her about it last night. Now that he knew the whole story from Jin, he understood better why she thought the asshole was still coming after her. But this guy would need to be really obsessed with her to come halfway around the globe to chase after her. It seemed unlikely.

Sun-Hee stirred then and opened her eyes. When she saw Jungkook looking at her, she smiled a bit. He was just so stunningly beautiful. His sleepy doe eyes were watching her. His hair was a little messy from sleep. She studied his face. She reached up and traced the slight scar he had on his left cheek from fighting with his brother when he was young. She could see the sweet freckle under his lip that she was always tempted to kiss. He gave her a little smile and she thought her heart would melt. She knew she had scared him last night. She had actually scared herself. When she was having difficulty breathing in the car, she was starting to get desperate. Luckily Jimin remembered the neck kisses. 

There was no doubt in Sun-Hee's mind that Tobi was coming after her. But she didn't have to scare everyone with how she was dealing with it. She was, of course, frightened about how it would play out, but spinning into a pit of despair would help nothing. She wasn't sure how much control she had over her mental state. But she was going to use the skills she had learned from her therapist to try to keep herself as mentally healthy as possible. She would start with calming breaths and speaking a positive thought after every negative thought she had. Hopefully this would help her from having another panic attack. 

Ok, so she had just thought that Tobi was coming after her. So her positive thought would be that she wasn't alone this time. She had allies. She knew that all seven of the boys and Dal and probably Manger Sejin and Bang PD were on her side and would help if they could. They had some definite power and would be great people to have in her corner. That was a comfort. Big Hit cared about Jungkook's welfare and she was his soulmate so they would care about what happened to her also.

She remembered when she had run into the city of Seoul without soul bonding that awful night. The boys had come after her and had even beat up those horrible men that tried to attack her. They had showed her in every way they cared about her. Even before they knew she was Jungkook's soulmate they had reached out to her when she tried to distance herself from them. They had cared about her even way back then. She wasn't sure what she had done to deserve Jungkook as a soulmate and all his Hyung's love. But she knew she needed to be strong for them while she was going through this rough time.

Sun-Hee turned her head and kissed Jungkook on the chest. He closed his eyes and made a little, "mmm" sound. Sun-Hee smiled. She lifted herself up a bit and put more kisses across his chest. She knew that even if the future was uncertain she should take advantage of the time she had with her soulmate. With the busy week since Japan they hadn't had much time for passion recently. She also remembered their alone time being interrupted several times in Japan. 

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