Chapter 4

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Sun-Hee was putting away the last of her groceries. She had successfully navigated taking a taxi, grocery shopping, and getting home in a foreign country by herself. "Go me!" She had a stocked fridge now and was starting to feel more settled. Until she turned and saw all the boxes. Well, those will have to wait until tomorrow. She enjoyed her time out in the city and was looking forward to going to an authentic Korean restaurant with Taehyung. But she was starving so she ate a banana and had a glass of milk to carry her over to dinner. Her pocket buzzed. 

The text came through in Korean but she had a translation app that translated it for her. 

Unknown: Are you almost ready?

SH: Who is this?

Unknown: 🙄

SH: Tae? I can tell because it looks exactly like you. Well, now I know what you were doing on my phone. No, I'm not ready yet! You said 7. It is 6:30. It takes me like 5 minutes to get ready at the most.

Tae Tae: Good, see you at 7.

Tae Tae: That does not look like me. Take it back.

Sun-Hee giggled and rolled her eyes, then realizing the irony, laughed at herself. Tae had said to dress very casual so Sun-Hee rifled through a couple of boxes and found a pair of comfortable skinny jeans  with the cuffs folded up a few inches above her ankles. She threw on a short white t-shirt that didn't quite show her mid-section. Her simple silver necklace finished the casual look. 

In the bathroom Sun-Hee washed her face and brushed her teeth. She was glad she had already taken a shower first thing this morning when she got to her apartment. She didn't usually wear much make-up but she didn't even have time for it tonight. She slid some lip gloss over her lips and ran a brush through her hair. "Good enough." She glanced around at her new beautiful bathroom before she turned off the light and headed to the front door.

" She glanced around at her new beautiful bathroom before she turned off the light and headed to the front door

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Tae's knock was interrupted by the door opening. Sun-Hee stood there looking fresh and beautiful. He gave her a big boxy grin and his eyes shone with admiration. She looked so cute, he couldn't wait to introduce Sun-Hee to his hyungs. He knew they didn't like the other girls he had brought over to dinner in the last few months, and he knew why. Those girls always seemed nice at first but their true colors showed later when they told him that he had scuffed their shoe so they needed a new pair, with a purse that matches. Or they wanted him to take them out to exclusive expensive restaurants and clubs. They all wanted the status of being with him, but they didn't actually like him.

The truth was that he didn't know how tonight was going to go. Sun-Hee seemed really cool and if she stayed with the same personality he knew his hyungs would love her. But he had bad judgement in the past and hoped he had done better this time. He honestly still didn't know if Sun-Hee knew who he was. Most of the time people admitted right away that they recognized him. But other times they didn't say that they knew who he was until he found out later. Sometimes because they were trying to be respectful, other times because they were being deceitful. 

Tae put on a formal attitude and offered her his arm. "If the young lady would be so kind as to follow me." Tae ushered Sun-Hee down the hall, but when they got to the stairs, he started up and she started down. 

She arched her eyebrow at him. "We are going to a restaurant to have dinner, remember? There aren't any restaurants up there." She took another tentative step down the stairs.

Tae had a relatively blank expression and said "If you would be so kind as to follow me ma'am. Trust that I know where we are going, please." Using a slight sing-song voice you would use with a child.

 Sun-Hee pointed down the stairs with a questioning look. "This way?" She raised her eyebrows and nodded her head.

Tae sighed a bit, "Follow me please." And his blank expression now looked like he was trying to have patience with her. He was a very good actor but she could see a hint of mirth behind his eyes so she knew he was having fun with her.

"Alright, if you insist. I thought I was the one who had questionable directional challenges." Tae chuckled at that.

Sun-Hee followed Tae up two flights of stairs. Next to the stairwell there was a door with a security pad on it. He pushed his wallet up against the pad and the door unlocked. Inside was a small alcove with an elevator. He pushed the "up" button, the elevator doors opened and they got in. 

Sun-Hee could see this elevator was special. In addition to requiring some kind of key card to get to the elevator, there were only three options: 1, 5, P. Apparently they were headed to the penthouse. "We are eating at the penthouse?"

Tae was still in "instructive mode" and said "Patience please, all questions will be answered soon enough."

When the elevator opened there were two large ornate mahogany doors. Tae opened the door and Sun-Hee gasped and squealed "Oh my gosh!"

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