Chapter 23

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Sun-Hee woke early, she had tried and tried to figure out how to avoid the boys today. But hadn't come up with anything. She thought she should get up and get dressed and go get coffee, she could bring Tae back a smoothy. 

She practically had to do gymnastics to get out of Tae's grip. She replaced herself with a pillow once she was out, the death grip continued with the pillow. She covered him up a bit and went and got ready. She just put on jeans and a teal hoodie and put her hair back in a ponytail. She still had curls from last night so it made her ponytail look pretty.

Sun-Hee stopped by the mailboxes on her way out. She had a couple of letters and about 8 package slips. Someone came up on her left to check their mailbox and Sun-Hee closed her mailbox and turned to find Hobi standing right next to her. 

"Oh, wow. Hi Hobi! You are up early on your day off." Sun-Hee gave him a bright, but slightly nervous smile.

"We have plans, remember?" Hobi smiled at her, but he was looking in her eyes as if to figure something out.

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Well, I would think you guys would have something better to do than hang out with me. But if you want..." Sun-Hee was cut off.

"Ok sweetie, what is going on? Spill it. Something has changed and I want the truth. You won't hurt our feelings. Out with it. What happened?" Hobi brought his hand up to her shoulder to show her he cared even if his words sounded sharp.

"It is just that you guys have so many fans, and I'm not anyone special. I'm sure you've been getting tired of having me around and..." Hobi cut her off again.

"Oh sweetheart! We need to talk, and we can't do it here. Give me your package slips. I'll get those and meet you at your apartment in a minute." Sun-Hee handed them over. Hobi had never been bossy before but it looked like he could take control when he knew what needed to be done. He was right, they needed to talk and the hall wasn't the place to do it.

Sun-Hee went back to her room. Tae was still asleep on her bed. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and the four oldest came in carrying boxes of furniture and bags of clothes from her shopping deliveries. They put everything in a pile off to the side and then sat down. Jin and Hoseok sat on either side of her on the couch and Namjoon and Yoongi sat in chairs across.

Namjoon said, "I see Tae is still asleep." None of them had missed that Tae was sleeping in her bed through the open bedroom door. Sun-Hee jumped up to close the door most of the way so their discussion didn't disturb Tae's sleep.

"Yeah, I found him asleep on my doorstep last night when I got home. There was no getting him back up to your apartment." Sun-Hee explained.

Namjoon nodded. "He hasn't really slept much since Saturday. Jimin was still asleep when we left, he has been really upset too."

"I'm sorry." Sun-Hee said but she wasn't sure what exactly she was sorry for. 

Yoongi came over and sat on the coffee table in front of her. "Can I please see your arm?" Sun-Hee nodded and pulled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt. Yoongi gritted his teeth and made an 'Aish' sound.

"That is the reason I didn't want to show you. It looks much worse than it is." But Sun-Hee could tell there was no convincing them.

Yoongi took her hands, "Tell us what happened." She went through the story from beginning to end. Starting with the part where she had avoided the cameras and ending with the fact that she had training to get out of a hold like that.

The boys didn't look any happier after the story. Yoongi moved back to his chair. Namjoon said, "Why were you avoiding the cameras?"

Sun-Hee closed her eyes. "Hobi and Jimin know part of this story. I'm in hiding from someone back in the states. He... well... he is... very powerful and has a lot of resources. I need to not be in any photos or videos that are public if I can avoid it." Jin took her hand and Hoseok rubbed her arm.

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