Chapter 27

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The next day was a rare Saturday because they didn't have work. After the nice ending to Jungkook's birthday, everyone thought things would be smoother between Sun-Hee and Jungkook, but reality couldn't have been farther from their expectations. The two of them hadn't said a civil word to each other all day.

Jungkook's annoyance started when he saw that Sun-Hee was wearing Jin's fuzzy brown sweatshirt while his big soft black sweatshirt was on the arm of the couch, laid out for her. To be honest, he had ordered several more of the same sweatshirt because both he and she liked it so much. 

His annoyance had only escalated when he walked through the living room and Jimin was kissing on her neck, again. Sun-Hee and Jimin were playing video games. She was sitting on the floor cross legged and Jimin was laying on the couch behind her. Every once in a while Jimin would lean over and nuzzle Sun-Hee's neck to distract her so he could win the game.

As Jungkook walked through the living room to the kitchen he saw Jimin kissing on Sun-Hee's neck and she sat up and yelled, "Park Jimin! You keep your flirty neck kisses for your girlfriends and don't be giving them to me!"

"I assure you they are all platonic, see? Platonic kiss." Kiss. "Platonic kisses." Kiss.

Jungkook glared at the two of them and heard the rest of the conversation from the kitchen.

"Jimin, you don't know what the word 'platonic' means, do you?" Sun-Hee questioned.

"Sure I do. Platonic means 'friendly'." Jimin assured her.

"There is nothing friendly about the tongue and teeth you are using in your kisses!" Sun-Hee accused.

This is when Jungkook froze. Jimin is using his teeth and tongue when kissing Sun-Hee? His fists balled at his sides. If he had a dollar for every time he wanted to punch Jimin in the nose over the last couple weeks... He took a couple of deep breathes. Where was Tae? Shouldn't he be here defending Sun-Hee from Jimin. Jungkook was counting on Tae and Sun-Hee getting together soon, so he wouldn't be so attracted to her. But how were they supposed to be intimate if they weren't spending any time together alone?

A bit later, Hobi, Jimin, and Sun-Hee were doing some BTS dances in the living room. Jungkook was sitting in a chair looking like he was on his phone. But really he was using it as an excuse to watch Sun-Hee dance.

After several dances Hobi teased, "You are dancing all Jungkook's parts! I think we know who you have been watching in the videos!"

Sun-Hee blushed a deep red, "That's because he's a frickin' screen hog! God forbid I should ever want to see Yoongi or Jin dance. But NO, Jungkook's got to be there in the front. In the DNA video he literally pushes you and Joonie out of the way to get to the front. SO annoying." Jimin was having a hard time keeping a straight face, he bit his lip and turned around to face the other way. Did she seriously just call Jungkook a screen hog?

Jungkook looked up at that, "You are a terrible dancer." He knew it was a lie, but how dare she call him a screen hog?! He didn't choreograph the dances or shoot the videos.

Sun-Hee cocked her head to the side and put her hands on her hips. "That's because I'm dancing your parts, I'm dancing like you. If I were dancing Hobi or Jimin's parts you could see what a great dancer I am." 

Hoseok opened his mouth at that and started laughing. These two! God help us. He thought.

After the dancing session was over they went into the kitchen for a snack. Sun-Hee scraped the last of the Nutella out of the jar. Jungkook came in after and picked it up.

Sun-Hee did a cringey face. "Ooops. Sorry." Then she glared. "Not sorry."

Jungkook gave a pretend defeated look. "You are a terrible person."

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