Chapter 49

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None of the group members had been to Bang PD's new house. He had moved into a mansion just outside of Seoul earlier in the year, just before he had moved BTS into their current apartment. The boys planned to dress in stylish clothes to attend Bang's dinner. They would wear ripped jeans with statement jackets and skinny ties or graphic t-shirts. Some of the pieces were borrowed from their recent video DNA.

Sun-Hee knew what the boys were wearing but wasn't sure she had anything that could complement their style. She had pulled out a black dress and a red dress to decide between, thinking they might be the best she could do. 

She hadn't had time to go shopping because she had been busy with school all week. She had extra work to do because she had missed her classes on Monday. She had received an A on the poem that Namjoon had helped her with. But now she was working on her second poem for the class. She also had a test early next week in Finance that she needed to study more for. 

Sun-Hee had also written up her report about the concert for her 'internship'. She had so much to say about how wonderful the concert was and the people that were there. She wrote about the songs, the dances, the singing, the pyrotechnics, the security, the on-stage water fight, basically the whole experience. Big Hit had featured her article on their social media accounts without using her name. It was simply authored by 'New ARMY'.

After taking a shower, putting on light make-up, and curling her hair, it was time to decide on an outfit.

There was a knock on her door. Sun-Hee threw on her robe and went to answer it. She opened the door to find Hobi holding a garment bag. He had a giant smile on his face. "I got you a preeessssent, Pretty Girl!"

Hobi came in and started to unzip the bag. "I called my sister earlier this week and told her what we were wearing to the dinner and asked if she had a suggestion for an outfit for you. She is so amazing with fashion. And this just arrived! It is gorgeous, you will love it!" 

Hobi held out a breathtaking graphic dress that Sun-Hee loved immediately. It had the same playful style as the men's outfits but it was also pretty and unique. Sun-Hee tried it on and it fit her perfectly. Hobi helped her pick out some white plain Ked tennis shoes to wear with it. 

She hugged Hobi, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it so much!" Then she narrowed her eyes at him but kept her hands on his shoulders, "By the way, the bills for all that furniture you bought never arrived

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She hugged Hobi, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it so much!" Then she narrowed her eyes at him but kept her hands on his shoulders, "By the way, the bills for all that furniture you bought never arrived. I told you that was too much for you to buy it for me."

Hobi playfully made a sad face, "You wouldn't deny me the joy of buying you things would you?!" He shook his head and made a 'tsk tsk tsk' sound.  "You seem like such a nice girl, don't take away the joy I get from giving you presents."

Sun-Hee raised her eyebrow at him, "You barely knew me when you bought all that furniture."

Hobi looked her in the eyes, "I may have just met you but I loved you already." Then he gave her a big smile, "That was such a fun day! We need to go shopping together soon, we'd have so much fun!"

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