Chapter 48

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Sun-Hee entered Namjoon's room and he and Manager Sejin were ready to listen to Sun-Hee's idea. 

"I got the idea from what Hobi said last night and an advertisement I saw when I first came to Korea. Hobi sweetly said he would like to take a picture that could take the heat off Jungkook. The advertisement I saw was for a photography company that was offering 'paparazzi' style photos for people's trip to Korea. The photographer follows the family or couple around for an hour or so and takes photos in the style of paparazzi. Then the family gets all the photos at the end of the shoot." Sun-Hee smiled. Namjoon and Manager Sejin looked confused.

Undaunted, Sun-Hee continued, "What if we had one of the Big Hit photographers do a series of photos, one with each of the men that looked like they were paparazzi photos. Then we do the same shoot with glamour shots. I'm thinking of Yoongi in a tuxedo at dawn in the park carrying a half gone bottle of champagne. He'd look rumpled with his tie untied like he had just had a wild night on the town. The photos would look like paparazzi had caught him in the park but we'd also release the glamour shots that would make it look like a Gucci or Armani ad. Namjoon could be driving a sports car with several girls in the car with him. Jimin could be doing a striptease with the back of a head showing someone is watching. The paparazzi ones would look shocking but the glamour shots would look like a high end advertisement suitable for Cosmopolitan magazine. We'd need to retake the ones of Jungkook coming out of the car with a girl in a pink hoody behind him. We could also release candid pictures of him laughing and smiling, clearly not on drugs or a behind the scenes video that shows how lucid he is during the shoot."

Namjoon and Sejin were smiling now. Sejin was the one to speak up, "Sun-Hee, write your photo ideas down. I'm calling Bang PD. I think we need to get a high level photographer on board if we want glamour shots. If we are going to do this, we need to start right away. We have to release at least one set of photos by this evening. If it is another idol company trying to take us down, they will regret it when we get more publicity from this than they ever wanted."

The morning was a buzz of activity. Everyone packed up to get ready for the flight home. But also Sun-Hee's idea was shared with the group and everyone thought it could work. The men were full of ideas of what their pictures could look like. They clearly weren't shying away from the 'bad boy' image these pictures were going to create. It was pretty safe because they would clearly be staged photos, but Tae, Jimin, and Hobi especially were trying to come up with some shocking photos they could take. 

All the boys showered Sun-Hee with love for her great idea. They were all hoping that the photos saved the day. 

Sejin told the group that Bang PD was on board, he had lined up an amazing photographer to meet them at the airport in Korea to take the first set of photos coming off the private jet. Hobi would be coming down the steps of the plane in an outfit for clubbing, with a girl or two in a short sequin dresses visible in the doorway of the plane. They would take both paparazzi type photos and glamour photos and would do a video of the shooting for a behind the scenes short video that Big Hit was known for.

The photographer would meet them at the airport with all the equipment necessary and a couple of models. In Big Hit style they had already received permission from the airport to do the shoot near one of the private plane hangars. They had also made a deal with the same website that released the paparazzi photos of Jungkook to release more photos that Big Hit gave them. The website owner was delighted because he knew they would get a lot of traffic over the next week. 

The stylists and makeup artists were told to be on stand-by because they had some spontaneous type photo shoots coming up over the next week. One make-up artists would fly on the private jet and do Hobi's make up when they were close to Korea because their wasn't a lot of time for the shoot. Sun-Hee was glad to see that Jang-Mi wasn't selected to ride with them. 

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