Chapter 21

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Sun-Hee woke up several hours later. She must have cried herself to sleep. Her phone had several notifications. The men upstairs were home from the concert and wondered if she wanted to come up to celebrate. How were they so nice even though they were so famous? They really were incredible men. Sun-Hee knew she couldn't face them. She just typed into chat that she had fallen asleep and she had a headache so she was going to go back to sleep. But she thanked them for thinking of her. They texted back encouraging words to feel better soon.

She padded to the kitchen and made some ramyeon for dinner. She curled up on the couch with a fluffy throw blanket and turned on the TV while she ate. She found a Jane Austen movie that she liked. It was part way though but she had seen it so many times it didn't matter. It would keep her mind from thinking and right now that was the goal. When the movie was over she was surprised how tired she was, given that she had already had a long nap. Her bruise was starting to form on her arm. Sun-Hee got ready for bed and went to sleep.

The next day was Sunday, the boys' day off. Sun-Hee felt a little panicky. She wasn't ready to face them yet. She was still horribly embarrassed by everything she had ever said to them. She had woken early because she had slept so much the night before. She decided to go on an outing, something touristy. She hadn't done that since arriving in Korea. 

She got dressed in a pair of jeans, a pink hoody and a pair of black converse high tops. After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she called a taxi to take her to the Jogyesa Temple in Seoul. It was 8am on a Sunday so there were very few people out in the city. It was enjoyable to ride through the city this way, everything sleepy and quiet. 

She arrived at the temple which impressively was right in the middle of the city. It was a bit surreal to see this ancient temple built in the 14th century among all these modern buildings. There were amazing giant golden Buddha idols and the ceiling was covered in paper lanterns. Sun-Hee thoroughly enjoyed the distraction from her thoughts. Her pocket buzzed.

Tae Tae: Why won't you answer your door?

SH: I'm not home Tae, I'm sightseeing!

She sent him a selfie with the temple behind her. 

Tae Tae: Have you been crying? Why is your face puffy?

SH: Okay, wow, rude! It is a beautiful sunny day and I'm out in the city, what would I have to cry about?

Tae Tae: Mmmmm, okay. You didn't answer the question. Why didn't you take me? I need a key to your apartment BTW.

SH: You were asleep! I got up early because I slept so much last night. I don't have an extra key, sorry.

Tae Tae: We can have one made. Call me when you get back. I want to see you. 

SH: Okay, I'm headed to my next stop! Have a great day off!

Sun-Hee spent the day going from one tourist attraction to another. She really didn't have to see them all in one day but she knew she was avoiding going home. She ended up doing some clothes shopping all afternoon. Most places were willing to deliver her purchases once they knew where she lived. They like to cater to rich customers. And it was nice because Sun-Hee didn't have to carry everything with her all day.

She even found the Line Friends Flagship store where BTS created their BT21 characters. Right inside the store was a giant Tata that made Sun-Hee smile. She walked around a bit but it felt weird to buy something so then she just left.

It was getting dark and Sun-Hee decided to stop at a restaurant for dinner. She picked a place that didn't look too upscale, people were dressed in casual clothes like her. But it wasn't street food, it looked nice. She sat down and ordered her favorite, Beef Bulgogi. 

She had time to think for the first time today. What was she going to do? She had gotten several texts all day from the boys. She always sent a selfie back so they could see she was still out. But she was pretty sure she couldn't hold them off for much longer and she really didn't feel like she could face them with the embarrassment she was feeling. It was one thing to send a text that sounded bright and cheery but it was a whole different thing to do that in person. Tae was the actor, not her.

She ate her delicious dinner then walked the last few blocks to home. She slipped into her apartment and got ready for bed. She was tired after having such an early start. She knew the group had to work tomorrow so she wouldn't have to worry about seeing them all day. That was good, but she was also really starting to miss them. Her phone buzzed.

Jin: Sun-Hee, are you home yet? We haven't seen you all day.

SH: Yep, I just got home. I'm really tired after waking up early and having such a busy day on the town. I think I'll head to bed now.

She sent a selfie of her head and shoulders on the pillow.

Jin sent a selfie of himself with a sad face and all the boys in the background.

SH: Wow, you need to post that on your instagram! Great shot. Worldwide Handsome looks even better when he is smiling though.

Jin: Worldwide Handsome would be smiling if Sun-Hee were here.

SH: I'm there in spirit! I'm sure I'll see you soon!

Jin: We work all day, but come to dinner tomorrow. I'll get yummy take out with lots of side dishes, including pickled radish.

SH: Mmmm sounds good but I have a thing tomorrow night.

Jin: You do not! Why are you avoiding us? Don't make me move this conversation to the group chat!

SH: Wow, okay. I actually DO have a thing, Mr. Worldwide Aggressive. My dad set up a dinner with some old friends of his and my mom for tomorrow night. They are friends that used to live in the same apartment building as them when they were first married. They want to have me over to their house for dinner. I'm sure they will tell me all about when they were young couples without kids and what life was like for them. 

Dangit, she hit send and she had a tone with Jin again. She was doing the very thing that made her embarrassed to look at them. How would Jin's fans react if they knew she had called him Worldwide Aggressive. Sigh. The problem was she didn't think of them as celebrities when she talked to them. She knew them as just regular men first and that was how she thought of them. She kept forgetting they were idols.

Jin: Sorry, I thought you were avoiding us.

SH: Your forgiven and I won't even make you grovel this time. Can you imagine what your fans would think if they knew I had made you apologize? Ouch!

Jin: If our fans knew what I did to you, they would have wanted me to apologize.

SH: Ok, I'm headed to bed. Hope to see you soon. Tell the others goodnight for me!

As soon as Jin put his phone down, they all looked at him. "Is she coming?!" Tae asked.

"No, she is in bed, she is too tired." Jin was truly sad, but not as sad as Jimin and Tae.

Jimin's shoulders slumped, "But we have to work tomorrow! We wont see her all day! Did you invite her to dinner?" 

"Yes, but she says she has a thing." 

Namjoon's eyes narrowed, "A thing? That sounds like she is avoiding us. What could have happened?"

"I accused her of making it up too, but she didn't. I'll read you what she said." Jin read her text to the boys.

Hoseok laughed, "Mr. Worldwide Aggressive? That sounds more like her." They all smiled at that.

Hobi continued, "Ok, well, we have Tuesday off, let's plan a day together with Sun-Hee. We'll tell her to clear her day. I think a lot of her furniture is arriving tomorrow and Tuesday. Maybe we could help her build it and get the rest of her apartment in order. We could show her that we can be good friends to her." The boys all thought this was a good idea. They had a plan for seeing Sun-Hee, the only problem was that they had to wait more than a day to see her. It felt too long.

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