Chapter 32

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Sun-Hee's first class of the day was International Finance 460. She was excited to take this class in Korea because it had an Asian emphasis, her previous International Finance classes had been focused on western markets. But what she was unprepared for was that the Korean she knew was conversational, not technical. She didn't understand the Korean words for real exchange rates, purchasing power parity, hedging, foreign exchange risk, and capital budgeting to list a few. The technicality of the language was going to make learning much more difficult in this course. Her textbook was in English, but that wouldn't help with understanding the lectures. She was going to need to study a lot just to pass. One thing that was the same in Korea, as in the US, was that finance classes were filled with men. She had multiple classes at Stanford where she was the only woman in the class. There was one other women in this class but the rest of the class was made up of about 45 men.

Sun-Hee's second class was Art History 414, Art of Korea. Sun-Hee was super excited after attending this class. Her professor was going to give lessons on the history of Korean art and the students were going to do gallery viewings and present the modern look at Korean art. Sun-Hee loved this approach and was so excited to go to more art galleries in Korea.

Her last class of the day was Writing 353, Advanced Verse Writing. It was her last class needed to get her Poetry minor. She had been avoiding taking the class because, although she loved to read and interpret poetry, she never felt like she was good at writing them. Sun-Hee was extremely relieved that the poetry could be written in the student's native language, so she could write her poetry in English instead of Korean. She thought maybe she might even write with a mix of English and Korean like BTS songs.

Sun-Hee was glad to find out that her energy from bonding with Jungkook lasted all morning. She was getting stronger. But by the time the car came to pick her up, she was starting to feel very tired and she was starting to have a headache.

She was driven to the secure underground parking garage at Big Hit's building. The driver told her the cafeteria was on the fourth floor. Sun-Hee rode the elevator from the parking garage to the fourth floor but when the doors opened there was just a maze of hallways. She walked around peeking in open doors. Each door had a sign on it but she couldn't read the Korean words. She found the cafeteria on the opposite side of the building from the elevator. When she poked her head in, she could see it was full of people but there was no one she knew. She had texted the group a couple times with no response.

She turned to leave the cafeteria when a pretty young lady stood up from a table and said, "Can I help you find something?"

Hmmmm, okay, here we go. "I'm Sun-Hee, I'm interning with Namjoon. Do you know where I can find him?"

She looked surprised. "You must be mistaken, none of the BTS members have interns. Let me take you back to human resources so we can sort it out."

"Oh, that's... that's alright, I'll look around some more, I'm sure I'll find him." Sun-Hee berated herself. She sounded like she was lying, she wasn't good at lying and this woman knew it.

The woman frowned, "Follow me."

She marched Sun-Hee down the maze of hallways and just as they were getting to the elevator, the elevator door opened and Namjoon and Yoongi walked out. Sun-Hee was so relieved.

"Sun-Hee, I'm so glad you were able to make it today. Let me introduce you to Yoongi. Yoongi this is Sun-Hee, she will be interning with me here for a while. Hey thanks Jang-Mi for helping her find us." Jang-Mi had a surprised and slightly annoyed look on her face as she turned to go.

Namjoon grabbed Sun-Hee's arm and pulled her in the elevator with him and Yoongi. "I'm glad we found you. We were going to get our phones so we could text you. We got stuck in a really long fitting for our costumes. The outfits needed more alterations than they realized and one of the stylists was gone today."

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