Chapter 50

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Jungkook was inside Bang PD's house when he felt Sun-Hee's distress. It was like a pain tearing down his chest. He didn't say anything to the people he was standing with, he just ran towards the balcony and grabbed Yoongi on the way. They ran outside to hear Sun-Hee begging Mr. Koo to 'delete it'.

When Sun-Hee saw the boys she ran to Jungkook's arms. She was having trouble breathing, "He posted ... a picture ... of me ... on Twitter."

Yoongi pointed to the stairs, "Jungkook, take her to the car. I'll deal with this."

Jungkook and Sun-Hee went down the balcony stairs so they didn't have to go through the party. Jungkook texted in the group chat for everyone to meet at the car, NOW.

Yoongi narrowed his gaze at Mr. Koo. "You'll delete that tweet now if you know what is good for you."

Mr. Koo glared at Yoongi, "You little punk, you can't tell me what to do. I could buy and sell your little band multiple times over, you have no idea who you are dealing with."

Yoongi remained calm, "Bangtan isn't for sale, at any price. And I may not know who I'm dealing with, but you certainly know who you are dealing with. After this last week, there can be no doubt about our influence. You are here tonight because you understand how much influence we have. Well, it works both ways. I'm going to do a live stream tonight. And I might just accidentally let it slip that I hate your products because buying them puts money into the pockets of a CEO who harasses pretty young college girls. Your tweet would only be evidence of my claim. I can tell you right now that BTS will never endorse your company. Delete the tweet now, or your stock will plummet and your sales will go down, starting tonight."

Mr. Koo glared at Yoongi for a moment. "You wouldn't dare. Big Hit would be furious at you."

Yoongi smiled like he didn't have a care in the world. "Oh, just try me. You think I care if I get into a little trouble over this? You obviously know nothing about me." Yoongi turned to go.

"Wait, you little shit. This is not the last you will hear from me, you little punk." Mr. Koo pushed a few buttons on his phone. He showed his phone to Yoongi, "Deleted, are you happy now?"

Yoongi read the post that was deleted. He frowned and jogged down the stairs and out to the car. He was the last to get there. They all piled in the car and Jin started driving home.

Sun-Hee was still having a hard time breathing. And her tears had started now. Jungkook sat in the middle seat between Yoongi and Hobi with Sun-Hee in his lap. He was talking to her trying to get her to calm down. "It's okay, Yoongi got him to delete it. Everything will be fine." But she was still struggling to breathe. Everyone was concerned about her panic attack.

Hobi said, "Last time she was like this I pet her head and arms and she came out of it." Sun-Hee's head was right next to Hobi so he started petting it.

Jimin was really worried, from the far back of the car he pleaded, "Someone help her, please! Jungkook, can't you kiss her neck or something?!" Tae was worried too. He had a hold of Jimin around the middle and his face was stressed.

Jungkook asked Sun-Hee, "Do you want me to kiss the back of your neck? Would that help?"

Sun-Hee nodded. Jungkook sat her up but kept a hold of her around the waist. He brushed her hair out of the way. Hobi grabbed a hold of her hair to keep it off her neck. Jungkook kissed the back of Sun-Hee's neck along the base and up then along the hair line. Sun-Hee slumped over a bit. Like the time with the needle, she fell asleep right away. Her breathing went back to normal fairly quickly.

Everyone gave a big sigh of relief. Jungkook held her the whole way home, Hobi continued to pet her head and run his fingers through her hair.

Namjoon turned around from the front seat, "Good thinking Jimin. You saved the day." Jimin was still a little worried but he smiled just a bit, glad he could help.

While Sun-Hee was passed out in Jungkook's arms, Yoongi told them all about his conversation with Mr. Koo. Yoongi had seen the tweet when he saw the delete screen. So they all now knew that not only her picture, but her name had been on Twitter. They weren't sure for how long. But there were over a hundred likes on it, so it had been seen. They were all disgusted by the CEO's admission that he was 'trying to gain a new asset' and that he was openly trying to get her to leave Jungkook for him. They didn't care how rich and famous they got, they would never treat people this way.

Sun-Hee woke up just before they got home. She seemed to be in a bit of a catatonic state. She wasn't moving very much or talking at all, but her eyes were moving all around as she was clearly thinking about something.

Jungkook took her to her apartment and helped get her into pajamas. He let her wear the silky green shorts set because he knew she was comfortable in it. She was able to brush her teeth and wash her face but her lack of talking was worrying him. She nodded yes and no to a few of his questions but was largely ignoring them. He got her into bed to soul bond and she fell asleep immediately.

Jungkook was worried. He texted Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi and asked them to come to Sun-Hee's apartment, he needed to talk. They came down right away. Jungkook left Sun-Hee sleeping in her bed and closed the door to the bedroom.

Jungkook told them what kind of a state she was in. Yoongi said, "She is scared. It is like fight or flight. Her mind is trying to think about how to survive what is coming."

Jungkook frowned, "But why would she be this scared of a guy all the way in the US? She knows we are powerful, why doesn't she think we can protect her?"

Jin spoke up then. "I know why." They all looked at him. He relayed the story she had told him in the hotel.

Jungkook frowned, "And you didn't tell this to me? How do you have a right to know this, and I don't? She is my soulmate!"

Jin wasn't going to sugar coat it, "Look Jungkook, I'm sorry, but she told me. I asked her about it and she told me. She was worried you would do something reckless and get yourself hurt. She doesn't think we are powerful enough to take on this guy. She is really scared of him."

Jungkook still didn't look happy but he calmed down a bit.

Namjoon spoke up then, "Regardless of what we think of the situation, it is clear that Sun-Hee thinks this guy is not only dangerous but is coming after her. We need to make a safety plan for her in case she is right. I think one of the safest places for her to be is here at the apartment. We live here mainly because of the security. We can give the guards a picture of this guy and his name and they can be on the look out for him. I think Sun-Hee would also be safe in a car with us or a bodyguard. And she could be at Big Hit, which also has good security. I think everything else should be off limits until we can figure out other ways to keep her safe. Even if this guy isn't as powerful as she thinks he is, we need her to feel safe. I don't think she will fight these rules, because she is so scared."

Yoongi frowned, "You know what you are saying." They all looked at Yoongi. "You are saying she has to quit school."

They were all saddened by this but Namjoon nodded his head. "That is what I'm saying."

Jin spoke up then, "I get the sense that she is worried that Tobi will come kidnap her. Is there any way we can get some tracking software on her phone or maybe other ways to track her? I know it sounds like something out of a spy movie, but I would think they have things like that because parents like to keep track of their kids nowadays."

Yoongi nodded, "I'll look into some tracking devices and apps. Good idea. I think we are going to all need to work on keeping Sun-Hee's spirits up. She is obviously not doing well, do you think we could find a way to have one of us here with her most of the time? It would be hard for her to stay here by herself all day every day."

Namjoon shook his head and shrugged, "I don't know. We obviously need to tell Manager Sejin about this. Maybe they will be on board to have us work in shifts over the next few days so we can keep her company. I'll talk to him tomorrow morning. I would think that since this whole thing went down at Bang's party that they would feel somewhat responsible and want to help. We will know more tomorrow."

Jungkook felt better after talking with his Hyungs. He felt like he wasn't in this all by himself. They had always supported each other and this was no different. He also felt like they had a plan.

After his Hyungs left, Jungkook bolted the door and went to soul bond with Sun-Hee.

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