Chapter 17

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Sun-Hee entered the boys apartment and the Korean Fried Chicken smelled so good. She put a pan of brownies on the counter. All the boys were in the kitchen, some were unpacking the boxes of food onto the table. Others were getting drinks and dishes set out. Sun-Hee noticed there were many side dishes also. "Oooo, pickled radish! I love those!" Sun-Hee smiled at the options. "Wow so many yummy side dishes to choose from!"

"So you feel the same way about side-dishes that you feel about men. Have you made the decision about which one of them is going to be your boyfriend tonight?" Jungkook did not look like he was joking, he looked annoyed.

Man, he pushed her buttons when he acted this way. She felt the overwhelming need to fight him just like the first night they met. "Well good evening to you too, Jungkook. I'm so glad you could delight us with your congenial company tonight. A little warning ahead of time as to whether Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde is going to show up would help me from getting whiplash every time we meet."

The men looked from one to the other. Namjoon gave Jin a 'here we go again' look. Jimin and Tae looked like they couldn't decide if they wanted to cry or if they wanted popcorn.

Jungkook walked over closer to Sun-Hee. "That was a nice sarcastic response, but you didn't answer my question. Who is the 'boyfriend of the evening' tonight? Is it Joonie again or do you have a policy not to date the same man twice in a row? Maybe you are back to Tae? He certainly missed you last night while you were out with his Hyung."

"Don't bring me into this fight Jungkook. Sun-Hee and I get along fine, you don't need to make everything into a battle. Why don't we eat?" Everyone appreciated Tae trying to calm things down.

Jungkook looked Sun-Hee in the eyes and whispered, "This isn't over."

Sun-Hee stared back at him, "Bring it on, you will lose."

They called a momentary truce to eat their food. Jungkook sat at the far end of the table, away from Sun-Hee which made everyone sigh with relief. 

Hobi tried to distract Sun-Hee from Jungkook's glares by talking about the festival they were going to tomorrow. "We planned a special version of our first song. At these festivals, the groups often do new dances, perform medleys, sing each other's songs, or do new versions of their own songs. We will be performing each song on a different stage because one of the songs requires pyrotechnics."

Namjoon added details, "We've got one of our bodyguards who will come in a car tomorrow to get you around noon. He will have your ticket. The ticket has our band designation so that means you will be able to be in the main theater for the opening number and will be escorted to both stages for our individual performances."

Jungkook wondered which bodyguard was assigned to Sun-Hee. They had one particularly good looking bodyguard named Dal that ARMY liked to watch for. They had even tweeted out video of Jimin standing in front of him at the airport asking Jimin to move so they could see the bodyguard. All the boys loved that tweet except Jimin of course. Jungkook really hoped it wasn't the good looking body guard that was helping Sun-Hee tomorrow and he chose not to analyze why he felt that way.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bodyguards? You guys have bodyguards? Why do I get the feeling this isn't a little local band you are in?" She looked around at all of them.

Namjoon stayed cool, "The company we have signed with has bodyguards. They let us use them for big events like this where there will be lots of fans."

Sun-Hee accepted that explanation and they finished their dinner talking about what Saturday would be like and how delicious the food was.

Jimin and Tae disappeared while the rest cleaned up from dinner. It was easy cleanup since the dinner was take out. They were done quickly and Jimin and Tae came in and took Sun-Hee's hands and guided her to the living room. On the couch they had lined up six stuffed animals.

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