Chapter 56

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After eating in the cafeteria, Yoongi took Sun-Hee up to his Genius Lab studio. Sun-Hee put her things down and plopped herself onto the black leather couch as she looked around. "So this is where the magic of BTS songs happens."

Yoongi sat down next to her on the couch and put his arm around her. "Well, some of it happens here. Namjoon and Hobi do a lot of the work in their studios also." Then he looked at her. "How are you doing? Are you hanging in there?"

Sun-Hee nodded and rested her head on Yoongi's shoulder as he rubbed up and down on her arm. "I'm doing fine as long as you ignore the fact that I almost attacked someone in the cafeteria, a half hour ago."

Yoongi smiled, "I really wanted to see that. My money would have been on you. But everyone had to rush in to help and ruin all the fun." They both laughing at that. "If you are feeling up to it, I really want to sample your voice a bit today. All of us were impressed when you rapped with me at the hotel in Japan. I was hoping to explore your range, but only if you think that would be fun to do."

Sun-Hee gave Yoongi a surprised look, "Well, it sounds like a blast but I can tell you right now that you wont get anything usable from me. I could never carry a tune and I've only rapped along to songs I like. But I'd love to see you work. Maybe you could show me some simple parts of how you make a song."

Yoongi smiled and nodded, "Absolutely. Ok, the first thing I want is just you doing some rapping acapella, well see if we can get a couple different styles but it can be anything. If we could start with non-BTS songs that would be good."

"Oh, okay." As she thought about what song she could do, she realized that she was going to be rapping in front of Yoongi, one of the most talented rappers on the planet. Her cheeks got red and she brought her hands up to cover them.

Yoongi turned towards her and took her wrists and brought her hands down. He looked her in the eye. "Don't be nervous, I have no expectations, whatsoever. When I thought about what would be fun to do with you, I just couldn't stop thinking about sampling your voice. I've honestly wanted to do it since Japan. But I just want us to have a good time, I'm not worried about anything else."

Sun-Hee nodded. "Okay, if we are just having fun then I will start with the first rap I ever knew. This song was from way before I was born but my dad loved Will Smith and I learned the words when I was about 10 years old. I'll do the second chorus."

Yoongi nodded and brought her over to the chair in front of the microphone. "Just have fun."

Sun-Hee smiled, "Well that will be easy with this song."

Then, when Yoongi pushed the record button and nodded to her she started. "Okay, here's the situation, my parents went away on a week's vacation and they left the keys to the brand new Porsche. Would they mind? Hmm well, of course not. I'll just take it for a little spin, and maybe show it off to a couple of friends. I'll just cruise around the neighborhood. Well, maybe I shouldn't...Yeah, of course, I should..."

Yoongi smiled as he watched her rap. It was such a funny rap to do, perfectly her style. She was be-bopping in her chair as she sang. She also really put her personality into it in as she told the story. She always had such a feisty attitude which all of the men loved about her. This was a song with attitude which was perfect for her. Yoongi was also known for having an attitude when rapping. His mind was spinning with ideas of things they could do together. 

As he listened to her, Yoongi also smiled because she was good. She had such a pleasing tone and rhythm. Her flow was really good also. He just enjoyed listening to her.

She ended with, "Well parents are the same no matter time nor place. So to you other kids all across the land, take it from me, parents just don't understand."

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