Chapter 45

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Jungkook went to wake Sun-Hee up and he noticed Jimin's hand had made it's way back to Sun-Hee's hip. This time he crushed the hand a bit before throwing it back. Jimin moaned and pulled his hand to his chest, "Ow" and frowned but didn't fully wake up.

Once Jungkook got Sun-Hee pried out of Taehyung's grasp he carried her into his room, he closed and locked the adjoining door on his side. He laid down next to her in the middle of the king size bed and pulled the covers over them. The sun was coming up now and the black-out shades had not been pulled in this room so the room became more and more light over the next minutes. 

Sun-Hee didn't wake up when Jungkook carried her so now he had a chance to lay next to her for a few peaceful moments before he had to tell her the news. She naturally cuddled up to his chest. They both felt the force that was constantly drawing them together. Jungkook brushed her hair out of her face and decided to wake her up with gentle face and neck kisses. Even though telling her this news would be hard, Jungkook knew from their previous interactions that she would give him grace. He'd apologized to her several times in the past and she had always instantly forgiven him and said kind things to make him feel better. He knew it would be the same this time and he was so grateful again that she was his soulmate.

Sun-Hee was starting to wake up with the continued kissing on her face and neck. Not passionate kisses, but ones that showed her she is loved. She started to giggle a bit. "That is the best alarm I've ever had. I want to wake up this way every day."

Jungkook gave her a kiss on the lips then, "That can be arranged."

"Why are you waking me so early? I thought Joonie said we could sleep later today." She still had barely opened her eyes.

"I wish it was for a good reason, something happened that I need to tell you about." Jungkook wished he could skip this and go back to kissing her.

She was awake then. Eyes opened, "What happened?"

Jungkook wrapped his arms around her and explained. He showed her the video on his phone. He told her about the protocols for the next few months. And at the end gave her a big squeezing hug. He was trying to be strong when he told her but she could see the sadness in his eyes.

She brought her hand up to his cheek and looked him in the eyes, "Are you okay? This had to have been a shock."

His tears started then. "I want to be such a great support to you. I want to treat you well and take care of you. And it seems like I keep making stupid mistakes that make your life hard and even put you in danger. I want to be the man you deserve and I keep falling short." He buried his head in her neck and she rubbed his back and shushed him soothingly.

"Jungkook, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want you, only you, and all of you. You are holding yourself to a standard that isn't achievable. However amazing you are, you are still human. We all make mistakes. We learn from them and move on. There is a song I used to listen to that said, 'You are more than the choices that you've made, You are more than the sum of your past mistakes, You are more than the problems you create'. I needed to hear that at one time because I felt like I had messed up my life so bad. But I learned that I could move on from mistakes and become better and do better. Hey, look up at me, let me see you."

He lifted his tearful face from her neck and saw the compassion in her eyes. "You are thinking that this is all your fault. But what you aren't remembering is that I went along too. I gave a few pitiful protests but if I was committed to the contract I would have turned around and went home. I didn't, that was my mistake. Also, the whole reason you lifted your mask and gave your name was because you were blindsided by a man saying he left his coat in my apartment. If I had been up front with you from the beginning that wouldn't have been a shock to you. Do you want me to beat myself up for these mistakes and spiral into a pit of despair? Because I can assure you I know exactly how to do that. Or do you want me to forgive myself and do better next time?"

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