Chapter 62

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Dal, Min Sung (the lawyer), Jin, Tae, Namjoon, and Jungkook entered the police station. The lawyer went up to the counter and let them know that he was there to meet with his client, Anderson Sun-Hee and he had brought her soulmate for bonding. The clerk behind the counter looked flustered and she said, "I'll n-n-need to go check with my C-c-captain."

The lawyer smiled, he was the picture of calm. "No problem, we will just wait here. We think we have everything in order to bring her home today."

Jin thought Mr. Min might have acted in some plays in college or high school. Or maybe all lawyers were able to act a bit. The lawyer certainly looked like he expected them to take him back to Sun-Hee even though he knew she wasn't there.

A few minutes later the Captain came out with a confused look on his face. "I'm sorry, were you not told that Ms. Anderson was extradited to the US early this morning?"

Tae looked utterly shocked, "No! No, no no!" He brought his hands up to his mouth, his eyes were as big as saucers.

Jin yelled "What?!? This can't possibly be true!" while looking equally as shocked as Tae.

Namjoon stood up from the chair to full height, said nothing, but moved toward the Captain. Everything about his demeanor showed how angry he was.

Jungkook buried his face in his hands, "Say it isn't true! Tell me he is lying!"

Dal had a hard time not smiling at the excellent acting by the boys. He had to put his fingers to his forehead, his face covered by his palm so he could get a straight face before looking back up. He honestly wished he would have recorded it to show to Sun-Hee later, she would have loved this.

Everyone else in the waiting room, as well as the officers within ear shot looked up at the dramatic reaction this group was having.

Mr. Min stayed calm but he used an authoritative tone, "I don't understand how she could have been extradited without my office being informed, as I'm her lawyer. The injunction hasn't even been ruled on yet which should have delayed her removal.  But, regardless, I'd like to see the extradition paperwork as well as the flight details and her intake incarceration paperwork for her arrival in the US. I also assume you have closed caption footage of her departure. I think seeing that would be a comfort to her family here." He generally motioned to the boys who were still acting it up.

The Captain didn't need any more of this drama in his waiting room. "Of course, can I show you to a private meeting room for viewing the paperwork and footage?" All the men followed him. 

Lawyer Min stopped by the desk again on their way to the private room and told the clerk. "We'll also need her personal effects: cell phone, jewelry etc... Can you bring that to the meeting room?" The clerk just nodded. He smiled, "Thank you so much."

The Captain showed them to a conference room and said he would go gather the documents and return momentarily.

Dal had warned the boys that everything in the police station was recorded so they knew they were still on camera. They never broke character. However, Jin and Tae did start having a little fun with it while they waited for the Captain to return.

Jin looked at Tae, "I'm in shock, I can't even believe this is happening right now, can you?"

Tae responded, "I agree! I don't think I've ever been more surprised by anything in my life." He turned to Jungkook who had found a chair and buried his face in his hands again. "Are you going to be okay, Jungkook?" 

Jungkook just wailed in response. All the boys tried not to smile. They knew they better tone down the banter or they would all be laughing. Dal just rolled his eyes at them and shook his head.

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