Chapter 10

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It had been almost midnight when Sun-Hee went to bed last night and she had been so tired that she just slept all morning. She had always been a deep sleeper. She normally had to set several different loud alarms to wake up. But there was a sound that was breaking through her sleep. A pounding, a non-stop pounding that was starting to really annoy her because Dang it, I'm sleeping here!

She reached for her phone. Sixteen notifications! She looked at the time and it was 11:30am.

Bam! Bam! Bam! There was that pounding again. She eased down from her bed and padded to the door and opened it. Hobi was standing there with a determined look on his face. But when he saw Sun-Hee his bright smile showed up. "You've been sleeping all day like Jimin, time to get up! I've texted you so many times!"

Hobi gave Sun-Hee a look up and down, she looked really cute in the morning. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were barely open, and she wore full body pink striped pajamas that were at least three sizes too big. They might even be men's pajamas, the cuffs came to well below her hand and the legs were so long they covered her feet.

Hobi patted her on the head then reached down and grabbed a drink tote with about 6 drinks in it and brushed past Sun-Hee into her apartment. Hobi brought the drinks into the kitchen and set them on the counter. "I've brought coffee. Someone didn't answer my texts, so I didn't know what kind you liked. So I just got a variety."

Sun-Hee climbed onto a kitchen stool and attempted to smile, but she was still half asleep and squinting. "That was nice of you." She reached out for the first one that looked like brown water with ice in a clear cup. She took a sip, "Arghh!" she gave the most horrible frown, then pushed it aside.

Hobi smirked, "The Americano has been rejected."

Sun-Hee reached for the next drink. A shorter white cup with a lid. She took a sip then stuck out her tongue and shook her head. 

"A definite 'NO' for the Latte." Hobi commentated.

Sun-Hee decided instead of doing this in order maybe she should look at them and pick one. There was one in the back that was in a clear cup with whip cream on top that looked like a chocolate milkshake. She reached behind and got that one. She put the straw to her mouth and it didn't come out until a third of the drink was gone.

"She's a Mocha Frappe kind of girl! I'll text it to the group chat so we don't forget your coffee order."

Sun-Hee's eyes were open now and she was smiling. "Thanks for coming to help me today Hobi, as you can see I have a lot of work to do."

Hobi smiled encouragingly, "We'll do it together and it will be in order in no time!"

Sun-Hee quickly got dressed into a yellow graphic tee and cut off jean shorts. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and ran a brush through her hair. She came back to the living room and Hobi had three boxes open. "You have lots of books. We need some bookshelves." 

"I'm going to have to buy that because there weren't any here when I arrived."

Hobi pulled out his phone and started scrolling, "What about these?" He showed the picture to Sun-Hee. "See how the shelves on the bottom are a little wider and taller? And there is variation in the top shelves as well. I think this stain on the wood would go well with the floor and couch. We could put it on this wall as you walk in the front door. We'll put books on some shelves and add in accent pieces like pottery, a wooden bowl filled with pinecones, and other decorations on the others."

"I love that so much! Yes!" Wow, Hobi really had an eye for this.

"Ok, I'm going to order it now to be delivered." Sun-Hee grabbed her purse and handed her credit card to Hobi. Hobi held her card while ordering but he never looked at it.

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