Chapter 28

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Hobi went over to Sun-Hee and rubbed her back. Everyone else was watching, hoping Hoseok could get some information from her. "Hey sweet girl, what just happened here? How can we help?"

Sun-Hee had been crying so hard she could barely talk. "You know how..." big breath "I wanted to meet my..." big breath "soulmate with a kiss?" Hobi nodded. "Well, I didn't..." big breath "I did it with a..." hiccup, more tears "a slap!" And she was bawling again.

Tae's face dropped. "What?! You are Jungkook's soulmate?! That's not fair! Why does he always win everything?!" Tae jumped up and ran to his room.

The remaining five all looked around at each other with shocked looks. They moved quickly to the kitchen to talk.

Jimin couldn't speak, he just stood there with his mouth open. Hobi had an extremely serious look on his face, almost a little scared. Jin looked a little sick to his stomach. Namjoon had no expression, they all knew as the leader he was working out all the implications in his head.  

Yoongi was the voice of reason. "This absolutely makes sense." He chuckled at their surprised looks. "They have both been fighting an overwhelming attraction to each other and as a result they have been bickering with each other since day one. Of course they are soulmates. That explains why they get along better when they are alone, they don't have to worry about their reactions to each other being seen. And it explains why we all like her so much. She is Jungkook's soulmate, of course we love her."

Jin spoke up then, "But they aren't bonding, aren't they supposed to be touching skin right now?"

Yoongi answered, "From what I understand they need to touch skin a lot in the first 24 to 48 hours. If they wait too long, one of them could die. But we can give them time and see when they are ready. I think their pain will make them want to skin bond sooner than later. I don't think either would die before a full day or two."

"When do we contact Manager Sejin?" Namjoon asked. "They would want to know right away. This is the first soulmate they've had to deal with. I'm sure they are ready with a plan."

"Can we just give them a day?" Hobi asked. "Sun-Hee and Jungkook are obviously not dealing well with this. You know as soon as Big Hit knows about it, they will descend on them in full force."

They all agreed that giving Sun-Hee and Jungkook some time to get used to this new reality before they contacted Big Hit was best.

"What about Tae?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi was so done with Tae, "Tae needs to grow up. She is Jungkook's soulmate. I know he really likes her, we all do. But she is Jungkook's now, Tae will have to get used to that idea just like the rest of us have."

Hobi went back to sit next to Sun-Hee on the couch. He put her head in his lap and stroked her back while she cried and moaned in pain. Jimin sat on the floor in front of her and held her non-injured hand. He stroked and kissed her hand. Jimin's face looked like he could physically feel her pain.

"Don't let Jungkook see you kissing her." Yoongi warned. 

Jimin was mad though, "Let him see! He doesn't even want her. He is just leaving her here in pain. He's being a selfish ass." Sun-Hee started to shake more and more violently over the next hours. They got her a blanket.

"Do you want to go see if Jungkook can make your pain go away, pretty girl?" Hobi offered. Sun-Hee shook her head 'no.'

They all waited for one of them to give in and admit they needed to skin bond. But it turns out Sun-Hee and Jungkook were two of the most stubborn people in the world. 

Sun-Hee had slowly drained of color, she had stopped shaking and she was lying really still.

"Jin! Jin! I don't think she is doing very well." Jimin called. 

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