Chapter 52

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Sun-Hee opened her mouth but no sound came out. Why had she thought she could do this? Of course they would ask her to tell about Tobi. She had only ever told her therapist and Jin. How could she relay this story with all these people here, even when she knew they cared about her? She felt a little panic rise in her chest.

Jin reached out and took her hand. He leaned over to her and said quietly, "Would you like me to tell it?"

Relief washed over Sun-Hee, she nodded gratefully. "Yes, please!" She said a little too loud. Then more quietly, "Thank you."

Jin was still looking her in the eyes, "Please correct me if I say something wrong, or add in any parts I'm leaving out." Sun-Hee nodded.

While Jin told her story, Sun-Hee continued to take big breaths. They weren't loud, but anyone looking at her could tell she was trying to keep it together. She had Jin's and Jungkook's hands held tightly in hers. And she was staring at a spot on the table right in front of her, she really didn't want to see anyones reaction to what Jin was saying.

Dal was trying to look at Jin while he told Sun-Hee's story, but he kept glancing over at Sun-Hee. She was behaving like a different person today than the one he knew. She had always been a light-hearted, fun, and strong person. He remembered how well she dealt with the man who attacked her at the concert. But today, she was clearly stressed. She wasn't smiling or joking. Hearing her story, he understood why she was stressed. He just couldn't believe that the sweet girl that he had been protecting had the past that was being described here. He felt terrible seeing her in such a stressed state. He wanted to protect her, not just from Tobi but from the stress of worrying about him finding her.

Of course Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook already knew the story. Sejin had heard a very quick version from Namjoon on the phone. But Hobi, Tae, and Jimin were hearing it for the first time.

Hobi had a worried look on his face. He was having a hard time holding himself in his seat. He wanted so badly to go take Sun-Hee in his arms and hug her and tell her it would be okay.

Tae looked really sad, he was clearly trying to hold back tears. Tae was sensitive and he couldn't believe that anyone could do this to his sweet Sun-Hee. He wanted to curl up with her with a movie and snacks and take both of their minds off these awful words coming out of Jin's mouth.

Jimin looked pissed. It had looked like annoyance on his face at the beginning of the story, but by the end he looked like he was going to punch someone. His look was not unlike the look he had the night when Sun-Hee went to the Lee's house for dinner. Jimin was leaning forward with both elbows on the table. His hands covering his mouth and chin. But it was his eyes that gave away his mood.

Part way through the story, Bang came in and sat quietly at the table.

When Jin finished telling what he knew he turned to Sun-Hee. "Did I forget anything? Do you want to add anything?"

Sun-Hee gave Jin a weak smile and shook her head. "That was it. Thanks for remembering it so well."

At that point Yoongi spoke up. He told about the tweet that Koo Li-Lang had made from Bang's party last night. He relayed what the tweet said. Then highlighted the important parts. "So he not only put out her picture, and her name, but also that she is a student at Seoul University."

Sejin looked at Sun-Hee then, "And Sun-Hee, you feel like Tobi will find out you are here and will be coming to Korea once he finds that out?"

Sun-Hee nodded, "Yes."

Sejin asked, "What percent chance do you think he will find you? Is it 30% or 50% or what?"

Sun-Hee looked up at Sejin then, "I would say a 99% chance he will find me."

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