Chapter 43

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On their way to Sun-Hee's seat Dal suggested that she put her badge under her sweater or in her purse. She would need it later but if someone knew what it was, it might get stolen. She decided to put it in her purse.

Dal ushered Sun-Hee to a seat in the third row along side the T Stage. There was a giant main state to her left. Then a long catwalk out to a smaller stage to her right. Looking from above it appeared to be a capital T. Sun-Hee was around the middle of the T. She could see all parts of the stage really well. There was a barricade and a space between the stage and the seats. And security was posted every 6 to 10 feet in the space between the barrier and the stage.

Sun-Hee saw Dal go stand behind the barrier nearer to the main stage. He had a good view of her and she waved at him. It was clear to him that she was very excited. 

Sun-Hee was surprised everyone was seated. This was usually the standing section in the US and everyone would be pressing forward to get as close as possible. But Sun-Hee wanted to fit in, so she sat down in her chair. She didn't speak Japanese so she didn't know what anyone was saying. But as she sat there she noticed that a couple of girls behind her were speaking Korean and a group to her right were speaking English. She gave them a smile and said "hi".

When the boys came out the whole stadium erupted in applause and cheers. They rose up dramatically out of the floor with their white suits on. They were all in different poses so the silhouette was striking. Sun-Hee was so glad everyone stood up. She knew she couldn't sit through the concert. The music started and the first song was Blood, Sweat, and Tears. They did the whole dance up on the main stage and Sun-Hee sang along with every word, often while jumping up and down. 

All the boys bowed to the audience. They each had prepared a greeting in Japanese to say to ARMY and the whole stadium cheered after each boy spoke. To Sun-Hee's surprise Taehyung talked a lot. It was clear he knew how to speak some Japanese, she was impressed. Jimin's greeting was the shortest but he must of said something like "I love you" because the fans went wild and he made little heart fingers and looked right into the camera.

The next song was Not Today. They started in full formation and did the group dance for the first part of the song. But then they broke out and started walking around the stage. The audience cheered. Jungkook walked straight over to where Sun-Hee was sitting. How did he know exactly where I was? Sun-Hee wondered if he had a magnet that pulled him to her like she did, they had never discussed it.

Jungkook kneeled down and smiled his biggest smile and waved to Sun-Hee. She waved back. The girls around her went crazy. Then all seven power walked down the catwalk to the end of the T and finished the song. A company of dancers dressed in black danced behind them just like in the video.

 A company of dancers dressed in black danced behind them just like in the video

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When they walked back up the catwalk they waved to the fans on both sides. Every one of them stopped and let Sun-Hee know that they knew where she was. Jin blew her several kisses and gave her a wink. Sun-Hee jumped to catch one of the kisses and pretended to put it in her pocket. Jin laughed. The girls behind Sun-Hee bickered for at least five minute over which one of them he sent the kisses to.

Jimin came over and sat down on the stage in front of Sun-Hee as if he had all the time in the world. He just settled in and smiled. She thought a girl to her left was going to faint. He made a few sexy faces then smiled like it was all a joke and ran his hand through his hair. Sun-Hee put her hands on her cheeks to hide her blush which Jimin just loved. He hopped up laughing and ran off.

Every time one of the boys came by, their interaction was projected on the screen. Sun-Hee finally realized there was a camera right in front of her on the stage. So it looked like the boys were greeting the crowd instead of just her.

When Hoseok came over one of the American girls kept screaming his name. It was clear that he was her bias. Sun-Hee moved over the couple of seats and said to the girl, "Wave to him." His eyes followed Sun-Hee and he saw the girl waving and waved back with a huge smile. The girl was in heaven for the rest of the concert. "He waved to me, he waved to me!"

It was such an amazing concert. There was the perfect balance between slow songs and ones with energy. There were some solos but mostly group songs. 

The vocal line came out and sang Dimple. They had ripped black jeans and beautiful flowing dress shirts. Sun-Hee had never wished to have a dimple more in her life. Tae came over and did his kneeling body rolls in front of Sun-Hee's section. He smiled right at her. Sun-Hee put the back of her hand on her forehead like she was getting faint. Tae laughed. Then he bit his lip and made a sexy frown and did the hip thrusts that are part of the choreography. And yet again, Sun-Hee was watching for someone in her section to pass out. She kept telling them, "Breathe! Don't forget to breathe girls!" 

Sun-Hee caught Dal's eye at that point and he was laughing and he rolled his eyes at Tae making her section faint. Sun-Hee gave him a look that said, "I KNOW! RIGHT?"

Every once in a while they would stop and talk to the crowd. Both Joonie and Tae could speak very good Japanese. There must have been some people in the crowd who spoke Korean because when the boys talked in Korean there were cheers. At one point Namjoon came over to Sun-Hee's section speaking in English. "I just wanted to let you know that there is someone really special in the crowd tonight. Someone we love very much. And it's you." He pointed to Sun-Hee but the camera angle blasted on the big screen made it look like he was pointing to the crowd. He repeated it in Japanese and the crowd went wild. They started chanting "R M R M R M".

Sun-Hee folded her hands over her heart and mouthed, "I love you too."

Namjoon, Hobi, and Yoongi came out in raincoats and Sun-Hee knew it was Cypher pt. 4. She sang along with every word. Yoongi came over to sing his part to Sun-Hee. He was surprised to see she knew every word and sang along with him. This rap was fast and he didn't think there were many people who could keep up. It impressed him deeply that she knew the song well enough and had the ability to sing it with him. He couldn't help but smile at her, the whole crowd cheered when they saw Suga smiling on the big screen. He shook his head smiling as he walked back up to the main stage.

Jungkook stopped by multiple times during the concert. Sun-Hee blew him kisses, or made a heart with her hands over her heart, or a bigger heart with her arms over her head. He noticed that her sweater was tied around her waist again and he kissed his finger then touched his stomach. She blushed so hard, she was sure she was purple. 

Jungkook looked so happy up on stage, he was really in his element. He was just a fantastic singer, dancer, and all around entertainer. He had personality plus and everyone in the stadium could see that.

During the end of the song Fire, Jin started a water fight by pouring water on Jimin's head. Jimin had a good attitude about it and tried to retaliate but ended up getting Joonie in the crossfire. For the last several songs of the concert they were trying to get each other wet. Hobi preferred to splash the audience. Poor Yoongi wasn't involved at all but Tae got him in the back and he was soaked.

At the end of the concert each member said goodbye so nicely. They really made ARMY feel special. The crowd cheered long after they were gone and they came back and did Spring Day for their encore. Sun-Hee had tears running down her cheeks she was so moved. She briefly thought she was glad she used waterproof mascara or she would be a mess.

As soon as the group members lowered for good into the stage floor, there was a firework show. She knew this would distract ARMY from the fact that the boys were gone. It was such a caring way to end their show.

Dal walked Sun-Hee to the cars where to her surprise the group was already loaded and ready to head to the hotel. They were all back in their sweats and t-shirts. Sun-Hee sat between Jungkook and Hobi this time. They talked about the concert the whole way to the hotel.

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