Chapter 33

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Sun-Hee and Jungkook woke up on time for their day with the help of Hoseok opening the door and telling them to "Get up!" 

After a sweet morning hug from Jungkook, Sun-Hee walked down to the main street to catch the bus. She used the bus ride time to study. She was trying to learn the Korean equivalent of the technical finance terms her professor would be using.

Once she got to class, Sun-Hee set her phone to record the audio for the Finance lecture hoping to translate some of the terms later. When the class ended and everyone stood up to go, a nice looking young man who was sitting next to her asked in English, "Are you American?"

Sun-Hee laughed a little, "Am I that obvious?"

He gave her a friendly smile, "Not at all, I saw your textbook was in English. I'm Kim Dae-Hyun." He reached out to shake her hand.

She shook his hand back and bowed a little, "Sun-Hee Anderson, did you spend time in the States also?"

"Actually I've never been to the US. I spent my high school years in England. I'm now an English major, minoring in Finance. But I may have overshot my ability with this class, I'm having difficulty understanding the concepts already." He admitted as they walked out of class side by side.

"Well then we have opposite difficulties. I can understand the concepts but I'm really having difficultly with the Korean vocabulary for these financial terms. For some reason I thought a lot of them would translate directly but it seems like each term has it's own special word. I'm going to have to study a lot to do well in this class." Sun-Hee smiled at Dae-Hyun.

"You wouldn't be interested in studying together would you? I could help with the vocab and you could help with the finance?" His request seemed casual and Sun-Hee remembered the hours she had studied by herself yesterday afternoon.

"Yeah, we could give it a try. I have a couple more classes and a short internship in the afternoon. But I would be ready to meet and study around 3pm or later if that works for you?" They exchanged numbers. Sun-Hee knew enough to pick a public location when meeting with someone new. The National Museum of Korea had a nice library and it was about a twenty-five minute bus ride from her apartment. They would meet at 3:30pm.

They grabbed coffees at a little stand in the lobby of the building before heading off to their other classes. "That looks more like a dessert than a coffee." Dae-Hyun teased her.

"Hey, no judgement please! The enjoyment I get sipping on this is going to get me through two more classes. Besides, what kind of monster drinks black coffee?" She looked at his drink and squinted her eyes and stuck the tip of her tongue out. "Blech!" They both laughed.

Sun-Hee thoroughly enjoyed her Art and Poetry classes and was glad that she decided to take a lighter load this semester because just getting used to living and going to school in a foreign country had taken a lot of energy. She usually took overload credits and had been going to college since she was in high school because she participated in Running Start. But the class load she had right now was plenty considering everything she had going on.

When Sun-Hee arrived at Big Hit, she went right to Jungkook's dressing room. They decided this was the best way to meet up in the afternoons. When Jungkook arrived he was dripping with sweat. "Sorry, we were working on new choreography. I'm just going to hop in a quick shower." He grabbed some extra clothes out of a cupboard and went into the bathroom that adjoined to his office.

While Sun-Hee waited for him to shower, she had the chance to marvel at the situation she found herself. Her hot, talented soulmate had just come in dripping in sweat and he never looked more attractive to her. She would have gladly skin bonded with him, sweat and all. How was it possible that she got to be Jeon Jungkook's soulmate? There were millions of girls in the world that wanted him, how did she get so lucky? She thought about how rocky of a start they had, all the arguments and misunderstandings. Who would have thought it would have a happy ending like this. A little warning light flashed in the back of her mind. Was it too good to be true? They still hadn't kissed on the lips. Was that a sign of a problem? She told herself she wouldn't dwell on that, she would just enjoy it and not overthink it.

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