Chapter 61

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The sun was just starting to come up as they all climbed into the car. Jungkook still would not let Sun-Hee go, so she sat on his lap in the middle seat. He put his hands under her shirt for some much needed soul bonding. Sun-Hee laid back and rested against Jungkook and just enjoyed his touch. He whispered in her ear how much he missed her, how glad he was to have her back and how much he loved her.

Joonie sat in the front seat but he reached back and put his hand on Sun-Hee's knee, "We're so glad you are back with us. I went a little crazy when they took you away yesterday. I think we'll need to do our Korean lessons in the penthouse otherwise I'm going to be worried about a knock at the door the whole time." 

Tae sat to Sun-Hee's right and held one of her hands and Yoongi had the other one. Jimin and Hobi sat behind and both reached over every once in a while to give her a rub on her shoulder or arm. Jin, on the other hand, had his arms around Jungkook's shoulders, hugging his Maknae. Jin was so happy they were all back together. They had all been traumatized by having Jungkook's soulmate in jail and they all just needed to be near them right now.

Jin ordered breakfast take-out that they picked up on the way back to the apartment. 

Dal couldn't come in to eat with them. He said he was meeting with the lawyer in an hour, which made them all realize this may not be completely over if the legal trouble wasn't resolved. Dal turned to the boys, "I'll need the best actors to go to the police station with me and the lawyer in a few hours because I have an idea. I thought Taehyung and Seokjin should go, maybe Namjoon too because you were pretty intimidating to the American prick."

They all wondered what Dal had planned but they knew each one of them would be up for doing anything to help Sun-Hee and resolve this mess.

Once they were home, Sun-Hee insisted on taking a shower and changing her clothes right away. She was still wearing the awful clothes they made her put on at the jail. Jungkook had almost not wanted her to leave him to take a shower but he laid on her bed and kept reassuring himself that she was right inside that door. 

It was a relief for him to see her back in her normal clothes when she came out. She chose to wear jeans and his big black hoodie. Seeing her in his hoodie made him smile. They enjoyed a nice long hug, then headed up to the boy's apartment.

Once they got inside and started eating, Sun-Hee was able to ask about the financial difficulties that Namjoon had talked to Tobi about.

Namjoon explained, "I actually haven't told any of you about this yet. Sun-Hee, I was going to tell you after we had our lesson in Hangul but, well, obviously I didn't get the chance." 

Sun-Hee nodded, yesterday's horrors were fresh in all their minds.

Joonie continued, "Dal has spent the last week researching anything and everything about Tobi and his family. He came across some financial records that show that Tobi's father has made a series of unfortunate investments over the last few years. Also the companies he owns are not doing well. They've had a series of issues because the companies are trying to cut corners with their products. They've had recalls and several citations from the FDA. Tobi's father had to take out a few very large loans that appear to be underinsured. This puts them in the tenuous position that if their stock prices drop even a little in several of their companies, the loans could be called in. That is where you all come in." He looked around at everyone at the table.

Hobi smiled, "What can we do to help? We're ready."

Namjoon nodded, "Good. We are going to do a series of VLives this week. We will do them in pairs, so they are more popular. We are going to off-handedly make a comment about a product sold by Tobi's family companies. His family mostly owns companies that sell cosmetics and face care products. But they also sell some spa type items and travel accessories too. We just need to make a dip in their stock prices and I think we can convince the banks to call in the loans, which cannot be repaid. They just don't have the money. Which means their homes and cars which are listed as collateral for the loans will be repossessed. I'm not sure they will have much left once the banks are done with them."

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