Chapter 18

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Sun-Hee got dressed for the concert. Being in a theater, this concert was different than a stadium concert. She was also in Korea, not the US. So she thought about what an appropriate outfit would be. But she also wanted to put her personal style on it. She put on a red plaid skirt that was formed fitting at the top but had pleats at the bottom. It wasn't one of the super short ones that barely cover the important parts, but it still left a good 5 inches above her knee bare. She put on a pair of black bike shorts under so they just peeked out under the edge of the skirt. She had a long thin belt that she wrapped several times around her waist. She put it through a belt loop on her left side but let it hang down lower on the right. She wore a long sleeve dark blue, almost black, shirt tucked in with a shorty red cardigan sweater. She wore a pair of black Doc Marten boots and a wide black ribbon choker at her neck. 

Sun-Hee had spent the morning curling her hair and she was satisfied with the nice large waves she had achieved. Now she was working on her make-up. She didn't want to do a full cat eye but she did put eyeliner on and smokey eye shadow. Not too much as to look fake, but enough to make her eyes stand out. She was all ready at noon with her small cross body purse. She had her phone and wallet and a chapstick, all the essentials.

She headed downstairs and a car was waiting for her. A nice looking man dressed in black pants and a black turtleneck got out of the passenger seat and opened the back door for her. Sun-Hee wondered how he knew what she looked like. While he helped her into the car, he said "I'm Dal, I'll be assisting you today."

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Sun-Hee." She hopped in the back and enjoyed watching the city of Seoul from the car. It was about a 45 minute drive to the MBC Dream Center in Ilsan, a city to the northwest of Seoul. The building was impressive with giant walls of windows on all sides. The car took them right up to the front and Dal opened the door for Sun-Hee, after she was out, the car drove off. 

Dal took his job as a bodyguard seriously. He put his hand on Sun-Hee's back as they walked in, his eyes were constantly darting around, assumably watching for danger. She wondered if he did this out of habit or if she needed to tell him no one in Korea was out to get her. Dal ushered her passed the lines to a special tent. He showed his credentials and her ticket. Sun-Hee showed her ID and they went inside. They walked down a main hallway. Outside the double doors leading in to the theater, Dal asked her for her cell phone. She unlocked it and gave it to him. He programmed his number in and sent himself a text so he would have her number. "Text me or call if you need anything. This part of the show will probably take at least an hour to record because it is a collective song with all the groups performing today." Sun-Hee nodded and thanked him.

Dal escorted her through the double doors into a huge theater and to a seat on the right side, not near the front but not in the back either. He said he would wait outside and to text for any reason.

Sun-Hee sat down amidst a lot of girls and just a few boys. She quickly realized she was way overdressed compared to the rest of the audience. Most were wearing hoodies or big puffy coats. It wasn't overly cold in the theater but she felt a little out of place. Also, almost everyone was holding a sign or a light stick or something. There was a huge variety of light sticks. Some were colored, some had writing on them, some looked like giant lollypops. She saw someone with a paddle that had Hobi's picture on it and she really wanted one. But she didn't want to text Dal so quickly, she would ask him where she could get one before the next show.

They were testing the lights. There were fancy bright lights everywhere. The walls were LCD screens. It was interesting to see the cameras practicing their movements and seeing the behind the scene plans before they began. The girl next to Sun-Hee asked who she wanted to see. The girl's friend leaned over to hear the answer too. Sun-Hee looked at her ticket so she didn't get the letters wrong. She held up her ticket and said "BTS".

"Oh, we wanted to get BTS so bad! But ARMY bought the tickets so quickly, we didn't get one. We got Seventeen though, so that is pretty good. I'm Hana by the way and this is my friend, Nari."

Sun-Hee knew she could either pretend she knew what was going on or she might be able to get help from these girls. "I'm Sun-Hee, this is actually my first time seeing any K-pop groups. What is ARMY?"

After they got over their shock and laughter they explained. "ARMY is BTS's fan base. They are the most loyal of all the fan groups. They support BTS and want the best for them always. Their shows are always sold out. I'm actually really surprised you got a ticket if you aren't in ARMY."

"I got the ticket from my friend who wasn't able to make it." Sun-Hee lied. 

Just then a stage manager got up and explained the rules and the reactions from the audience that were needed. The audience was told they could cheer for their favorite groups but they shouldn't drown out the music because it was each group's chance to shine. He also warned that they needed to hold on to the balloons. Sun-Hee was surprised that the balloons hadn't been flying all over like they would have in the US. Koreans seemed much more obedient. There was also a strict 'no phones, no pictures' rule. 

They tested the music a bit next. Hana explained that they were going to sing a song by Psy called Entertainer and each group would have a few lines and they would come in to the theater one by one. They pointed out all the hidden doors in the theater where the K-pop groups would enter through.

The first group started on the stage right in front of Sun-Hee, facing the main stage. There were four good looking men dressed to the nines. Their group was called Winner. They started the song. Hana told Sun-Hee the names as each group entered. A group of eleven men in military type outfits came in next, they were called Wanna One. A huge group in all white called Seventeen came next and were followed by Got7. Only one member of each group did the rapping part the others just followed along.

Then a group of five girls with the shortest shorts Sun-Hee had ever seen came in with the singing part of the song. Hana explained they were called Red Velvet. About eight more groups came in, one after another singing their part of the song. There were a mixture of girl and boy groups of different sizes, none as big as Seventeen. Then a group of seven came in right in front of Sun-Hee's seat. They got a LOT of cheers. They were incredibly handsome and well dressed. Hana said they were called EXO.

And then, there they were! Sun-Hee thought: My boys! They came in from a door on the main stage. They were different from every other group. First, they weren't dressed up. They looked like regular people off the street. Jimin was wearing overalls with one strap not hooked and a yellow baseball cap. Jungkook had on orange sweats and an orange sweatshirt with writing on it. Tae had on a striped turtleneck under a blue track jacket with a beanie. Jin was in an all white sweat outfit with a bright pink shirt under and he wore a sweat band on his head. Namjoon was in yellow, Yoongi in red, and Hoseok was in green. Apart from their clothes the other thing that was different was they all sang their part together, no other group had done that. They looked so handsome and Sun-Hee was so proud of them. 

A girl from Mamamoo tripped on her way in so they wanted to reshoot the whole thing. This time Sun-Hee knew where the boys were coming in from so she could give them her whole attention. They did so great. They were fun and interesting, they would have been her favorite, even if she didn't already love them. 

With the first shoot wrapping up, Sun-Hee said a thank you and good bye to Hana and Nari and made her way out of the theater. On her way out she took a selfie with the stage in the background. She sent the selfie to the group chat with a message, "You were my favorite! You did so good!"

Sun-Hee then texted Dal and let him know it was over and she was out of the theater. He was by her side almost instantly. She was pretty sure her text hadn't even made it to him yet. Dal hooked her arm in his to lead the way to the next stage. He asked her how the show was while they walked.

Sun-Hee beamed, "It was amazing! There were so many groups! I've never seen even one K-pop group and to see probably twenty five or so of them was amazing. But BTS shined brighter than them all, they were by far the best." Dal smiled at her response and gave her an approving look.

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