Chapter 34

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Jimin and Tae looked at each other in horror. Had Sun-Hee just heard what they said? She must have, because otherwise why would she have run out like that? They stood frozen, not knowing what to do. Then the entire house heard an anguished, guttural yell come from Jungkook's room.

Jungkook came running to the living room in a panic. "What happened? Where is she? I can feel her pain." He looked from Tae to Jimin, neither of which wanted to confess. "Tell me now or I'm going to beat the shit out of you both."

Jimin started talking, "We didn't know she was there. Tae said it's hard to have her around and I said it wasn't your fault, you don't get to choose your soulmate. And Tae said that you probably wouldn't have chosen her because you hated her before. Then she ran out. We think she heard."

In one movement Jungkook grabbed Tae by the throat and held him against the wall. "You know NOTHING! Of all the stupid thoughtless things to say! If anything happens to her because of you, I will never forgive you! NEVER!" The rest of the seven men were there in the living room now. They pulled Jungkook off of Tae who had a very red neck. Tae sat on the couch catching his breath and holding his neck.

Jimin again explained what happened to the rest of the group. Yoongi asked if they had skin bonded tonight. Jungkook shook his head, his face as angry as they had ever seen it.

Yoongi took control, "We need to find her. Hoseok, go check her apartment. Has anyone texted her?" 

Jungkook was breathing hard but he was able to say, "She doesn't have her phone." He was pacing back and forth and every once in a while giving Tae and Jimin a glare that showed how close to murder Jungkook was.

Namjoon and Jin were grabbing shoes and coats and keys.

Jimin looked at his phone, "Hobi says she isn't answering her door."

Yoongi turned and pointed at Tae, "You stay here, you've caused enough trouble. Jimin, text Hoseok and tell him to stay by her door in case she returns. The rest of us need to go look for her."

Jimin picked up Sun-Hee's backpack, "Her keys are in here! I'll bring them to Hobi so we can check her apartment."

Hobi stayed in Sun-Hee's empty apartment. The other five piled into the car. Jin drove, Namjoon rode in the front. Yoongi sat between Jungkook and Jimin in the back. They stopped at the guard house on their way out. The guard was able to point the direction she ran.

Everyone in the car actively scanned the street for any sign of Sun-Hee. Jungkook was still freaking out. Yoongi put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "We will find her, but you have to calm down. You can feel where she is if you can calm down and listen."

Jungkook shook his head, "We haven't fully bonded yet, I haven't even kissed her on the lips. I don't think I can feel her."

"What happened when you yelled in the apartment?" Yoongi wanted to know. "Did you feel her then?"

"Yes, I felt her pain, something was ripping her apart inside." Jungkook's face cringed in pain with the memory.

"So you can feel her then. Quiet yourself and listen for her. She is hurting, you can find her." Yoongi had done the most research on soulmates so Jungkook trusted him. Jungkook nodded and tried to calm down, for her.


Sun-Hee tried to rally herself. She was slumped over on a bench, God knows where in the middle of Seoul, Korea. She would die if she didn't get a grip and figure this out. She was in so much pain knowing Jungkook didn't care for her, but she was not suicidal. She had a future, even though it wasn't the one with Jungkook. She thought about her parents, she thought about BTS. She knew that if she died people's lives would be changed and hurt forever. She didn't want to cause that. She had been through hard times before. This one would take a lot more therapy than last time but she wanted to live, damn it. She needed to get help. She reached for her back pocket for her phone but remembered setting it on Jungkook's night stand. Damn it again.

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