Chapter 58

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"Were you arrested in Los Angeles county back in May for these charges?"

Sun-Hee looked wary. "Yes, I was."

The lawyer nodded like he wasn't surprised. But Dal and Jungkook were both very surprised at her answer. They probably shouldn't have been because they both had seen the mug shot, but neither of them thought Sun-Hee could do something to get arrested.

Mr. Min continued with his questions. "Dal has filled me in on everything you have told him and there was no mention of an arrest. Could you please tell me the events that led up to the arrest."

Sun-Hee took a deep breath. She was so glad Jungkook was here supporting her, it gave her strength to have his arms around her. "Of course. Do you remember the night when Tobi had decided he was done waiting? The night he beat me up and I called the police?" Dal and the lawyer both nodded. She felt Jungkook take a raggedy breath on her back. She knew this was tough on him and she rubbed his arm. "Well, when the police showed up, Tobi brought me to the door and handed me to them. He told them I had broken into their house, and attacked him. He told them I was a stalker and I had been stalking him for months and wouldn't leave him alone. He made them think he had called the police and not me. The police wouldn't listen to a thing I said. Tobi has a lot of authority when he speaks. So they handcuffed me and put me in jail." 

She paused here and took a breath. The lawyer was taking notes. He finished what he was writing. "Continue."

Sun-Hee nodded but tears were flowing down her cheeks now. "The district attorney's office did an investigation of the situation. I have no doubt they were under pressure from Tobi and his family to press charges. Tobi came to visit me in jail. I wouldn't leave my cell to see him so they brought him right to my cell, which I'm assuming is illegal. Especially since I filed a restraining order against him. Although it was never granted. Tobi said he could make it all go away if I just gave him what he wanted. I refused and I thought I would have to go through a trial. But it turned out that particular district attorney couldn't be persuaded by Tobi and his family. Probably because he knew it was an un-winnable case. There was too much evidence on social media and with our friends that Tobi had pursued me not the other way around. And there was the 911 call I made to the police. So they let me go. They gave me back my phone and wallet on my way out of jail. I went immediately to my apartment, packed a few boxes of things and drove off leaving the rest of my stuff there. I've never seen Tobi again. But he followed me to Arizona and he's tried contacting me twice at two different phone numbers. And now this."

The lawyer was frowning now. "So they dropped all charges but somehow they have convinced officials here in Korea that you have a warrant and have gotten them to agree to extradict you. I'm going to have to look into all of this and find out what is going on. It is important that you do not talk to anyone without me here. If anyone comes to talk to you, tell them you won't talk without your lawyer." Sun-Hee nodded.

Dal came over to Sun-Hee then. He kneeled down in front of her chair and took her hands in his. "I know I haven't seen you for a few days but I want you to know that I've been working on this non-stop. We haven't had any travel alerts for Tobi, so as far as we know, he is still in the US. I agree with you, that he has tried to arrange this stunt to get you back to America. I won't rest until we get you out of here. And if they do take you to the US, we will be on the flight right behind you."

Sun-Hee smiled, "Thank you Dal. I feel much better that you are working on this."

Dal pulled out a small piece of paper with what looked like a dime sized band aid on it. "They took your cell phone and your fit-bit tracker off you, so I have this, so we can tell where you are at all times. I'm going to put it on the inside of your ankle. It can get wet so just pretend it isn't there."

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