Chapter 13

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Dinner was made and Jin sent Sun-Hee to get the rest of the boys to come in and eat. She thought she would find them in the living room but no one was there. She heard a little laughter coming from the end of the hall. She didn't really know where she was going because Jimin never gave her a tour. She paused at the end of the hall not sure if she should go invade their privacy, but Jin entrusted her to get the boys so she made her way down the hall. There was a bathroom door to the right for guests it seemed, then two more doors, one on the left and one on the right across from each other. There were voices coming from the right door and luckily it was opened so she didn't feel like she was being overly forward by walking in.

From the doorway she could see the four men were gathered around a computer, talking and giggling in hushed tones. She moved closer to see what they were watching. She came right up behind them and her jaw dropped at what she saw. They were watching a video of a circus, specifically a clown car. They seemed to be showing it to Tae who it seemed had missed out on it earlier. "Oh my gosh!" Sun-Hee put her hands on her cheeks.

The boys reacted as if she had just yelled at the top of her lungs. They all jumped up. Tae slammed the laptop closed. Namjoon looked nervous and started trying to explain. But Jimin just smiled. He came right over to Sun-Hee and put his hand on her shoulders. "Did you come down here to see all these devastatingly handsome men?" he teased. The other boys pushed him away and yelled his name. 

Sun-Hee turned to Namjoon, "Joonie, you ratted me out! How could you?!"

Namjoon turned a bit red. "They would not give me peace until I told them. You want me to have peace, right?" He gave her a bit of a tentative smile and a wink for good measure. 

"Oh alright, you're forgiven. Dinner is ready if you can all come eat." Sun-Hee kept talking as she led the way out the door and down the hall. "And you have to understand I was very tired last night and not really in my right mind. And COME. ON. You are not normal looking men, let's be honest. Can we just not bring this up ever again please?" By the time her stream of thought was done they were in the kitchen.

Hobi put his hand on her arm, "Does it help to know we think you are devastatingly beautiful too?"

Hobi was trying to help, but Sun-Hee was getting redder by the minute. She held her cheeks again. "New topic. I helped make the Korean Barbecue sauce and the rice and I got to turn the pork belly at just the right time so it didn't burn but it turned brown. I'm learning." It didn't sound like much when she said it out loud, but she had learned tonight. She even thought she could almost make some of the dishes on her own if she tried.

Tonight she sat between Tae and Yoongi and Jin sat across from her. One of the dishes tonight Sun-Hee was really excited about called Perilla Leaf Wraps. Apparently you take a leaf and put a piece of pork belly on it then you can add other things like a little rice or noodles and a little Ssamjang sauce. Then you roll it and eat it. Sun-Hee carefully took the ingredients and made a wrap. She was so excited that it turned out well she held it up with her chop sticks to show Jin. He opened his mouth. Sun-Hee's eyes widened, "Oh." She reached across the table and placed her wrap in Jin's open mouth. He smiled and crunched away at it. There was something intimate about feeding someone.

"The best wrap I've ever tasted." Jin winked at her. 

Sun-Hee immediately had baby birds all around. All of them wanted her to make wraps and feed them. After making several for each of them, even Yoongi, she said "Okay, I should at least get to try one of them."  Their response was to spend the next 10 minutes stuffing her with wraps. At one point she had three wraps on chop sticks held in front of her she started giggling at the absurdity of it. "Alright! Enough! I'm getting full. And thank you, everything was delicious."

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