Chapter 24

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SH: Hey Jin. Jungkook and I just got in another stupid fight. I don't think I should come up today.

Jin: Ok, sorry that happened. We'll bring food down.

SH: Oh, that is so sweet. Don't feel like you have to.

But moments later, five boys were entering her apartment, each carrying different serving plates of food. Hobi had a cup carrier of coffees. "I thought you were bringing me a plate not a whole meal! This is so nice!" Sun-Hee was cheered up already.

Jin smiled, "We wanted to eat with you."

Tae was still there and still in his pajamas. It was almost like he wanted everyone to know he slept over. But Sun-Hee tried not to let it get to her. If Jungkook could believe she was doing more than just sleeping with Tae even though she told him she wasn't, then there probably wasn't anything she could do to make it better.

Jimin came up to Sun-Hee and gave her a big long squeezy hug. "I'm so glad you are still friends with us. When I saw that guy last night, and thought you preferred him to us, I got a bit mad."

"Did you? Huh. I'm glad you told me because I couldn't tell." Sun-Hee looked at him with faked confusion.

"Oh come on, I wasn't that intimidating." He licked his lips and gave her his beautiful innocent angel smile.

"Are you kidding, there is no one in the world that would have defied you while you were like that! I was nervous you were going to tell me to beat poor Ji-Hoon up or drop and give you push-ups!" Sun-Hee teased.

"Good to know that I have a way to get what I want from people, if I need to. That might come in handy sometime." He had a sly look.

"Park Jimin, you better not be using your anger and intimidation to get what you want. You are better than that!" Sun-Hee brought her finger up to waggle at him.

"Or maybe I'm not." He tickled her before taking a seat at the table.

They ate pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns until they practically rolled out of the kitchen. "Wow, that tasted just like home. Thank you Jin and Yoongi." They were glad to have made Sun-Hee happy especially after she got in another fight with Jungkook.

Hobi clapped twice and addressed the group, "We have some furniture to build!" He gave Sun-Hee the bags of clothes to go put away. And assigned furniture to be built by each of the others. Working together in pairs they were able to put together a dresser, a table, and a small bookshelf. The only thing left to assemble was the large bookshelf to cover the entry wall. But Sun-Hee said she would work on it later.

They thought about what they should do next. Games and movies were suggested but Sun-Hee said she wanted to watch some of their videos. Everyone thought this was a good idea. Jimin decided to record her reactions on his phone so they could watch them again later. 

"But what if I don't have much of a reaction? Then it will be boring." Sun-Hee asked.

Joonie laughed, "Do you even know yourself at all? You have a reaction to the smallest thing. You are going to react to our videos."

Sun-Hee narrowed her eyes and looked at Namjoon with no smile. "Are you saying I'm a drama queen?"

Namjoon shook his head and put his hands up, "Certainly not, I would never say that," then quieter "out loud." Everyone laughed.

Jin asked, 'Which one should we show her first?"

Sun-Hee had an idea, "Maybe we should do them chronologically from the first to the last." The eruption of emphatic 'no's' that followed showed how terrible they thought that idea was.

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