Chapter 55

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Everyone enjoyed the delicious dinner Sun-Hee and Jin made. As they ate, the men started talking about old memories of when BTS just started. They talked about all sleeping in one room and how much work they put in. And about how tired and hungry they were a lot of the time. They had funny stories mixed in with the hard times. It sounded like they were hopeful even when things were difficult. Sun-Hee could tell that they had tried to focus on the things they could control and let go of the things they couldn't. She filed away these little nuggets of wisdom to think about later. She loved the way they had all been there for each other through the rough times, exactly like they were supporting her now. She couldn't be more grateful for these wonderful men that she loved so much.


That night in Jungkook's bed, while snuggling, Jungkook asked, "What do you have planned for tomorrow?" 

"I'm not sure. I'm spending time with Hobi in the morning and Yoongi in the afternoon. Both of them want me to come to the Big Hit building." Sun-Hee loved laying in Jungkook's arms. He was so strong and he had such a beautiful fit body, she could feel his strength as he hugged her.

"Oh no! You're going to have to get dressed two days in a row!" Jungkook teased. Sun-Hee smacked him lightly on the arm. Then he asked, "What should we do the next day? I think Namjoon is in the morning and I'm in the afternoon."

"I actually had an idea about that. I was thinking you could teach me to do boxing. I've seen you beating up on that punching bag downstairs and I want to give it a try. I had defensive training last summer and my instructor said I had a talent for it. In fact I took three of his classes. But those were all for defense. I want to learn to be an offensive fighter also."

Jungkook closed his eyes and frowned in the darkness of the room, as if her question caused him pain. He knew why she was asking about learning to do boxing. He pulled her in for a more squeezing hug. "I'd love to teach you to box. But know that the sasaengs out there would like me NOT to teach you to punch." He said lightly.

He wished he could make the whole situation go away. He certainly hoped she would never need to know how to punch. But he would teach her and they'd probably really enjoy boxing together.

Jungkook was almost asleep when Tae quietly crept into his room and snuggled in on Sun-Hee's side. "Remind me why we didn't stay at your place." Jungkook mumbled to Sun-Hee. But Sun-Hee was already asleep and didn't reply. Tae pretended not to hear, he didn't want to do anything that would get him kicked out. He hadn't slept with them in what felt like forever. Tae cuddled up against Sun-Hee's back and sighed. This was the best way to go to sleep.

The next morning everyone got ready then left together to Big Hit. In the car, Jimin asked Hobi and Yoongi what they were planning to do with Sun-Hee that day. Hobi said that he had planned a spa day. He had a couple people coming to give them manicures and pedicures and a masseuse coming also. Sun-Hee smiled and clapped her hands, this sounded lovely. Jimin had been hoping it wasn't something good because he wanted to remind everyone they had played with kittens. But after hearing about the spa day, he didn't mention it. 

Yoongi said that he and Sun-Hee were going to hang out in his studio. All the men hoped he had more planned than that. They knew Yoongi loved spending time making music in his studio but they were pretty sure Sun-Hee wouldn't want to just sit and watch him work all afternoon.

Once they arrived, Sun-Hee and Hobi made their way to the 7th floor where the nail technicians were meeting them. First Hobi took Sun-Hee into a restroom where he helped her apply a Korean face mask. Sun-Hee had never used a face mask before but Hobi swore by them so she wanted to try it.

While they were getting their pedicures, Hobi and Sun-Hee looked through fashion magazines together. It was clear to Sun-Hee that when it came to style, Hobi knew his stuff. He had all kinds of suggestions for different outfits in the magazine. "This outfit would look so much better with a scarf for a pop of color... The black bag makes this outfit look too heavy, it would have been fresher with a tan bag... I love this teal sweater, I'm going to have to order that."

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