Chapter 53

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At the penthouse they ate meat skewers and vegetable and rice dishes from a local restaurant. They were all glad to see that Sun-Hee was feeling more normal. Tae had done a good job of giving her a relaxing and distracting afternoon. She still seemed a little more reserved than usual but she was teasing and joking with them a bit which was a great start.

Sun-Hee told the men, "Tae and I watched the first few episodes of Hwarang today. I loved it so much!"

Hobi looked at Tae, "You better warn her before you get to those last episodes. You know how she can't tell fiction from reality when she watches our videos."

Sun-Hee gave Hobi a shocked look, "Hey! I know the difference between real life and movies." All the boys laughed at this.

Jin spoke up, "I distinctly remember getting reprimanded for the way I treated the girl in Boy in Luv. And if I remember right we were all on restriction after you saw Run." They all smiled, enjoying the teasing.

Sun-Hee looked a little rueful, "Well, yes, I do remember some particularly bad behavior in those videos."

Yoongi added, "You were upset when we were shot in Not Today and I don't think you've even seen I Need U."

Jimin smiled then, "And let's not forget her reaction to Blood, Sweat, and Tears." He waggled his eyebrows.

Sun-Hee gave in, "Alright, maybe I do have difficulty separating fiction from reality when it comes to your videos. Tae can warn me before we watch something troubling." Tae nodded in agreement.

Jimin grabbed Sun-Hee's arm, "I have the best date planned for us tomorrow morning! You don't need any warnings for what I have planned. It will be your favorite date of the entire week!"

Jungkook froze with food halfway to his mouth and was staring at Jimin with a shocked look. After a moment Jimin noticed and said, "What?!"

Jungkook responded, "It isn't a date, Jimin. You are spending time with a friend, that is all."

Jimin smiled and shook his head, "Sure, yeah. Okay, whatever. I'm sure we are all thinking of it as a date. But yeah, spending time with a friend, sure." 

Jungkook surprised look had turned into a glare. "Keep it up, you are going to lose your turn."

Sun-Hee spoke up then, "Well, I'm looking forward to spending time with all of you this week. I just hope it doesn't hurt your work schedule too much. I feel bad that I'm so needy right now. I'm going to try to be strong."

Namjoon smiled at Sun-Hee, "We all like spending time with you and it is always nice to have a bit of time off of work. So please don't feel bad. We are all looking forward to it also."

After cleaning up from dinner they all went into the living room. The Maknae line including Sun-Hee played video games with Jin. Namjoon put in ear buds and read a book. Yoongi went to his small studio in his room. Hobi watched the video game playing and scrolled on his phone. 

Jungkook had tried to be patient all night. He didn't want to whisk Sun-Hee away since she was having fun. But he had been thinking about their morning snuggle time all day. It finally felt like it might be the right time to head down to Sun-Hee's apartment. 

The video game ended and Jungkook stood up and grabbed Sun-Hee's hand. "Alright, we are going to head to bed. Night everyone." 

Jungkook pulled her by the hand to the elevator and once the elevator started to move, he took her into his arms and started kissing her face and neck. "I've been thinking about you all day."

Sun-Hee giggled, "You have hmmm? Anything in particular you've been thinking about?"

Jungkook put his forehead on hers and looked her in the eyes. "You are my soulmate so I've been thinking about soul bonding. You know, touching your skin, you touching my skin."

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