Chapter 19

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Dal and Sun-Hee walked to a smaller theater and Sun-Hee remembered to ask where she could get a BTS paddle or light stick or something. Dal said he would check if there were any left. He said they sold out quickly. He took her to her new seat, this time she was seated in the upper right corner of the room. She could still see well because it was a smaller theater. Almost everyone had a lollipop light stick and pictures and signs for BTS. Sun-Hee was amazed how popular they were. She had thought they were a local band but now she could see they had a lot of fans. Most of the fans were girls but there were some boys mixed in as well.

The girls sitting around Sun-Hee seemed to be her same age, late teens or early twenties. One of them turned to Sun-Hee and asked her who her bias was. Sun-Hee had no idea what she was asking. "I've actually never seen K-pop before today so I don't know how to answer that question."

"You've never seen BTS perform?!" Sun-Hee shook her head. "Do you even know their names?"

"Hi, I'm Sun-Hee. Yes, I know their names but I've never seen them sing."

"I'm Iseul, this is Boram, Binna, and Ari. Have you seen their videos on Youtube?" Again, Sun-Hee shook her head.

At that moment Dal came by with a light stick lollipop and a paddle with a picture of all seven of them. Her face lit up, "Thank you so much!" She wanted to hug him but she was several seats in and there was no way to do that.

The crew were still setting everything up for the performance. It didn't look like it was going to start anytime soon. Iseul was in doubt that either Sun-Hee knew their names or that she hadn't ever heard them sing. She pointed to Sun-Hee's paddle and said, "Tell us their names."

Sun-Hee pointed to each and named them in order of age. "Oldest to youngest, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook."

Iseul pursed her lips. "Do you know their stage names?"

"They have stage names?" Iseul was all in to help Sun-Hee at this point."Ok, let's start with the leader. Namjoon goes by RM."

Sun-Hee wrinkled her nose. "Why?"

"Well, originally he was Rap Monster, then he was Rap Mon, but now he goes by RM."

"Rap Monster? Your kidding. I'm not surprised he is the leader though. Do they all have stage names?"

Iseul shook her head. "This is Suga, this is J-Hope, and this is V. The others just go by their regular names."

"Wait a minute. Yoongi is called Suga? Is that why his stuffed animal is a cookie?"

Iseul and her friends looked amazed. "I never thought of that."

"Back-up, what did you say Hobi's stage name was?" Sun-Hee asked.


"Ahhhh! Got it, of course, Mang, Hope. That is certainly a good name for him. He is so cheerful." Sun-Hee smiled. "And Tae is called what letter?"


"Tae is V? Just V?"


"Hmm, ok. Then that means Jin and Jungkook and Jimin just go by their real names?" Sun-Hee was getting there, lots to learn.

"Yes. How is it that you know their names and stuffed animals but nothing else?"

Rather than answer their question, Sun-Hee asked, "When and how did the band get started?" This question was too temping for Iseul and her friends to pass up. They explained that RM was the first and he was a rapper, obviously. He joined when he was 16. Then Suga joined next, he is also a rapper, he was 17. Then J-Hope joined at 16, he was a dancer but he learned to rap also.

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