Chapter 60

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Jungkook was not only an athlete, but he was determined to get to Sun-Hee. He was over the fence and across the tarmac before the other boys were even out of the car. Sun-Hee saw Jungkook coming when he was almost upon her. "Jungkook!" It was a call of joy and relief that he was there. Her face lit up when she saw him.

Jungkook shoved the bodyguards off Sun-Hee. They didn't put up much of a fight because they had just been hired for the night and had no loyalty to Tobi. Jungkook pushed the release on the zip tie and pulled it off her. Just like in a movie when the hero and heroine embrace when danger is still imminent, Jungkook took Sun-Hee in his arms and kissed her like they had all the time in the world. He had been going crazy with worry over the last day and having her in his arms and out of jail was all he wanted. 

Sun-Hee grabbed onto Jungkook for dear life. So grateful for his kiss and hug, so grateful that he was there with her. She had been so frightened moments earlier but now with him here holding her she felt like everything would be okay. "I'm so glad you are here! I'm so glad you came!"

Tobi started to frown as he was watching it all. He was not giving up so easily. His angry voice called out, "Get him! What did I pay you for?!?" The hired musclemen understood enough English to know what to do and together they wrestled Jungkook out of Sun-Hee's arms and to the ground on his knees. Jungkook put up a fight, but with two of them on him, he didn't stand a chance. Sun-Hee was beating them trying to get them off Jungkook but she turned when Tobi spoke.

Tobi was cocky now. "Well, well, well, I guess we found Sunny's soulmate, didn't we? And he's not Namjoon or Jimin. Junekook was is? Well this makes it easy." Jungkook glared up at Tobi, knowing exactly who he was. He didn't understand everything Tobi said but he got the main ideas. Tobi glared down at Jungkook. "You thought Sunny was yours, didn't you? You had her for, what, a month? I had her for a lot longer than that." He chuckled a little. "Sunny was mine first. And once you are out of the picture, she will be mine again. There are ways to have people disappear, we might have to make that happen with you, if I'm to get what I want."

Sun-Hee stepped in then, "Tobi, you don't know what you are saying. Jungkook is famous, you can't just have him killed. He has millions of international fans. You need to let this go and be done with all of this."

Tobi narrowed his eyes, "I don't believe you. He doesn't look like an international star. He looks like a punk. Look at the way he is glaring at me. Like he deserves you more than I do. Does he understand me at all?" Then to Jungkook. "She's MINE! She was mine for a year before you even met her! Not yours!"

Sun-Hee could see Tobi unraveling a little bit at a time. She walked over to him now that the bodyguards were distracted holding Jungkook. "Give me your phone, I'll show you." When he handed her his phone she said, "Let's just look him up by his first name." She typed 'Jungkook' into the search bar. She started scrolling through the hundreds and thousands of images and headlines that came up. She saw Tobi's shoulders go down a little at the realization that he may not be the top dog here.

Jungkook was pissed. How dare this American bastard claim Sun-Hee as his?  Jungkook vowed: I'll beat the living daylights out of this guy before this night is over. Where are my Hyungs? Where is Dal?  

It turns out that a ten foot chain link fence wasn't as easy to get over as Jungkook had made it look. In fact, when they watched him go up and over it Jin said "Spiderman." And they all agreed with this sentiment. 

It had taken them a few minutes to find a shorter part of the fence where they could get over. They had finally found a gate that was only about five feet high and they were all able to get up and over that. They ran back towards Jungkook and Sun-Hee and saw the scene before them. Jungkook kneeling on the ground with the bodyguards holding on to him and Sun-Hee talking with Tobi.

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