Chapter 16

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When Sun-Hee arrived back at the apartment the boys were all ears.

"How did it go?"

"Was he nice?"

"Did you fight?"

"It was fine, we sat at the table and he ate some food. We didn't talk much and we didn't fight. It was just fine." But inside Sun-Hee was glowing. It was better than fine. She had seen him without a shirt. She had gotten to watch his beautiful face eat the food she had made. He smiled at her. She wanted to replay it over and over in her head.

Sun-Hee realized she hadn't eaten so she fixed herself a little plate and ate while the boys had cake. They raved over the dinner and the cake. The boys insisted on helping her clean up, so that went quickly. Having a dishwasher made it go even quicker.

They all went and sat down in her living room. There were enough seats for all, but Tae sat on the floor in front of her and cuddled her leg.

Namjoon looked at Sun-Hee and said, "Yoongi has something to ask you."

She looked at Yoongi expectantly.

"We thought you might want to see us perform. We are going to sing two songs at a festival this Saturday and we would love it if you would come see us." Yoongi smiled.

"Really?! Yes! A thousand times 'yes'! Oh, I'm so excited!" She clapped her hands in front of her chest.

"We have to go early to get ready, but we will have a car pick you up with someone who will bring your ticket and help you find your seat. There will be lots of groups performing, it can make for a long day. So stay as long as you like and enjoy the show. We will try to have you brought to us if we can after we perform." Namjoon explained.

"That sounds great! I can't wait until Saturday! Thank you so much for inviting me!" They all smiled because she was excited, just like they predicted. 

Sun-Hee stood up, "Listen, you all look tired from your long day at work. And I need to go get ready for a hot date I have tonight, so I will see you tomorrow, okay?"

Namjoon smiled at this, "I need to go get ready too. I'm all sweaty."

The boys left after hugs and Sun-Hee decided to take another shower after cooking all day. She put her hair in a shower cap so it wouldn't get wet. After getting out and drying off, she put moisturizer on her skin and got out the dress she was going to wear. Joonie had said to wear something casual so she picked an all white halter sundress and flat leather sandals. The dress was modest because it came all the way up and tied around her neck but her shoulders and entire back were bare. The skirt had two large bands of lace sewn in so it revealed her knees and the lower parts of her legs.

Sun-Hee decided to put her hair up in a high ponytail and also put on a little makeup. Other than lip gloss she didn't think she had worn make up in front of the boys yet. She looked at herself in the full length mirror and was happy with what she saw. Her look was simple, but pretty. Lastly she put a simple gold bracelet on and grabbed a clutch that matched her sandals fairly well.

Namjoon was right on time to pick her up. When she opened the door he took a step back and brought his hand up to his mouth. When he took it away he had a little smile, "You look beautiful." He said in English and held his hand out to her.

Sun-Hee took his hand, "You look pretty beautiful yourself mister." He did, he was wearing designer jeans with a teal silk dress shirt with black dress shoes and a black belt. 

Namjoon took out his phone, "The boys asked for a selca, do you mind?"

Sun-Hee smiled, "No, of course not."

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